Sentences with phrase «similar improvements»

Regardless of initial differences in test score levels, all schools appear to help their students make similar improvements in reading and math over two years.
Both groups showed similar improvements that lasted for the month the women were followed.
Just as manufacturers made major improvements in how their vehicles protect people in frontal crashes, now they're making similar improvements for side and rear impact protection.
The two groups of trial participants generally self - reported similar improvements in quality of life overall and less distress in living with diabetes — important positive outcomes.
The Snack World Switch looks amazing, if story of seasons makes similar improvements I would love that.
We can expect similar improvements in the next - gen standard car.
Her young cousin, who began leptin treatment at age four, has shown similar improvement.
Both diets led to similar improvements in blood pressure the body's response to insulin.
Not every woman seems to get the same relief from hot flashes as I do, although many have reported similar improvements.
The results, published Jan. 3 in the journal Depression and Anxiety, showed that the group using Project: EVO demonstrated specific cognitive benefits (such as attention) compared to the behavioral therapy, and saw similar improvements in mood and self - reported function.
For reading, regardless of school performance level, students showed similar improvement on items measuring factual, inferential, and evaluative understandings.
The results of this study are surprising: Although all three groups experienced similar improvements in their happiness levels early on, the follow - up assessments proved to be radically different:
These new findings add to research released by New York University last year that found similar improvements in graduation and academic achievement for students after chronically failing schools were phased out.
Google should soon bring similar improvements to its desktop version of Chrome as well, especially since Opera and Microsoft Edge have been claiming superior battery optimizations compared to Chrome.
The primary contribution of this paper is to show how the pre-purchase of an income annuity can provide similar improvements in efficiency.
This scenario is characterized by «very rapid economic growth, global population that peaks in mid-century and declines thereafter... the rapid introduction of new technologies,... and the assumption that similar improvement rates apply to all energy supply and end - use technologies».
The WL group later showed similar improvements after treatment.
In the end, the investigators determined that both Bikram groups achieved similar improvements in their vasodilation levels, regardless of room temperature.
But the only comment on Wednesday that Mayor Bloomberg would make about de Blasio and the new administration was to urge similar improvements.
New York's bond rating on Wednesday was upgraded a notch by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services to AA + following similar improvements by Moody's and Fitch.
The rest of the Brooklyn Public Library system is on the verge of announcing similar improvements.
ew data presented today at the European League Against Rheumatism Annual Congress (EULAR 2014) show that the newly - approved infliximab biosimilar CT - P13 achieves statistically similar improvements in disease activity, disability and mobility in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) compared to its original reference product infliximab (INX).
Despite tremendous racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity in our cohort, as well as variability in cancer type and functional status, we were able to illustrate similar improvements in QOL.
Math skills showed similar improvement although no improvements were seen in reading skill.
Both groups showed similar improvements at several checkpoints throughout the study.
Results published in the International Journal of MS Care indicate that walking and yoga yielded similar improvements in overall acute mood symptoms and confirms that yoga is a viable intervention for managing the mood disturbances associated with MS.. The study analysis concludes that it would be helpful to compare different types of yoga such as Hatha, Yin and Vinyasa to identify the optimal style when considering varying levels of disability.
Tellingly, I did not observe similar improvements among low - performing schools under the state's old accountability system, which rated schools based on their performance but did not impose the threat of vouchers.
And neither SGPs nor value - added modeling indicates what might have caused improvements, nor do they reveal whether other students would make similar improvements if taught by that teacher.
Jackie Floyd, assistant superintendent at Fort Zumwalt School District, has noticed similar improvements.
The question is whether we can produce similar improvements in effectiveness without putting teachers into the crucible of their own classrooms.
This summary verdict on these efforts should not cloud the bright spots that emerged from the era that can inform those beginning similar improvement efforts.
Despite confusion over how much New York students are improving, New York City's small gains in proficiency (almost 5 percentage points in math and 1 percentage point in reading) appear to be real progress, experts say, because they mirror similar improvements on national tests (specifically the Trial Urban District Assessment portion of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)-RRB-.
The 2019 Optima will get similar improvements, and the expanded system will eventually roll out to the rest of the Kia lineup.
We believe this new test will drive similar improvements in protection for occupants in side crashes.»
The trailer showcases the opening moments from the original BioShock, giving players an early look at a remastered Rapture while teasing similar improvements for sequels BioShock 2 and BioShock Infinite.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the availability of $ 16 million through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to support the design and construction of new energy - efficient housing and to complete similar improvements in existing buildings across New York State.
As Lee points out, Litecoin is in the middle of adopting a number of new technologies (such as Segregated Witness or SegWit) that increase its transaction speed — bitcoin backers have been trying to implement similar improvements for months, but the process has been caught up in internecine fighting.
Improvements Microsoft has made to the Surface devices have often led to similar improvements across the entire PC market, he said.
Syracuse City schools saw similar improvements; the proportion of teachers in the four newly added TD high schools (Corcoran, Fowler, Henninger and Nottingham) indicating that ninth - graders were adjusting to high school better in 2009 - 2010 was 16 percentage points higher than in 2008 - 2009 before TD reforms were implemented.
Once the wait - list control schools began Safe & Civil Schools training, they experienced similar improvements in school policies and student behavior.
To see if the program could be successful elsewhere, CCI and MAF partnered with five Bay Area nonprofits to establish and study lending circles and found similar improvements in credit scores.
Microsoft Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL are updated to build 15063.966, and according to the official changelog, the update brings similar improvements:
She submitted an application to implement a Neighborhood Slow Zone in Battery Park City, and will fight for similar improvements on the Lower East Side.
Families reported similar improvements after using the kit designed for children with an injured family member: 71 % of caregivers felt the kit helped their child cope.5
First episode psychosis: olanzapine and haloperidol provide similar improvements in quality of life and social functioning
The three A1 groups are distinguished by their technological emphasis: fossil intensive (A1FI), non-fossil energy sources (A1T), or a balance across all sources (A1B)(where balanced is defined as not relying too heavily on one particular energy source, on the assumption that similar improvement rates apply to all energy supply and end use technologies).
Children in both the online and face - to - face groups showed similar improvements in impulsiveness, self - control, and mood regulation compared to the control group, and parents from each group reported developing a better understanding of their child's behavior and appropriate interventions at the study's conclusion.
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