Sentences with phrase «similar in length»

Although the two job postings are similar in length and look for similar candidates, Job A received more than twice as many clicks as Job B. By clearly and articulately laying out the functions and requirements of the job, candidates were able to quickly browse Job A's description, decide if they were a fit for the job, and apply.
Purchasing a home is a huge investment, and many people take out 30 - year mortgages (or mortgages similar in length) to do so.
So you've written two books that are similar in length and genre.
At 4,159 mm long and 1,739 mm wide, it's similar in length and width to the Citroen C4 Cactus at 4,157 mm and 1,729 mm, but there's still a reasonable amount of room inside and the boot capacity isn't bad, either.
At 4.7 m long and 1.95 m wide, it's similar in length and width (though at 0.1 m lower, different in height) to the Porsche Cayenne.
I can't find a suitable image and don't fancy removing a lug just to take one - imagine a bare bolt similar in length to these lugs sticking out from a hole in the wheel where the nut should be.
At 2.69 m long, 1.66 m wide and 1.55 m high it shares the coupe's dimensions — similar in length and height but wider than its predecessor, and the «Tridion» safety cell still provides a visual indication of Smart's efforts to make such a small car safe.
Auto - generated messages are often very similar in length and content.

Not exact matches

Similar to the free books in Prime Reading, this Audible benefit unlocks free full - length audiobooks exclusive to Prime members as well as playlists handcrafted for every interest and Audible - produced news, humor, and crime podcasts.
Similar to the free books in Prime Reading, this Audible benefit unlocks free full - length audiobooks exclusive to Prime members as well as popular, Audible - produced news, humor, and crime podcasts.
In a similar vein, Mr. Pruitt has gone to disturbing lengths to advance the views and interests of business.
The only thing that would put us in «good standing» with the ex-gay and similar folk would be to admit we are gay and always will be («reparative» therapy doesn't work and denial ends in repression taking the form of promiscuity), and most of us aren't called to celibacy (in the only Biblical sense of the term, as Jesus makes reference to and Paul discusses at length).
The Newtonian cosmology sets forth the potions of absolute space «remaining always similar and immovable in its own nature» and of absolute time «flowing equably of itself and from its own nature,» and the claim that the measurement of lengths in absolute space and of durations in absolute time is independent of any «sensible and external measures» of them (PNP 6 - 8).
In no similar length of time have its boundaries expanded so rapidly and so widely as in the past century and a halIn no similar length of time have its boundaries expanded so rapidly and so widely as in the past century and a halin the past century and a half.
This is not addressed at length in the book, but perhaps might be the focus of further, similar discussions.)
It is a habanero type and produces pods similar to a typical orange habanero pepper, about 1 to 1.5 inches in length and 1.25 inches wide.
I think the 2 situations — Norris and Mansour — are very similar (in terms of money being invested to help grow a club) but I've already gone on about that at length and no - one's going to change each other's mind on that.
Your baby will continue to grow at a similar rate, gaining about 1 to 1 1/2 inches (2.5 to 3.8 centimeters) in length and 2 pounds (907 grams) in weight this month.
Similar to the reason for using compression, the length of compression garments you require depends on the area in need.
Graphically presented data from a cohort study in Bangladesh showed similar weight and length gains in infants exclusively breastfed with supplements beginning at six to 11 months compared with those exclusively breastfed for 12 months and supplemented between 12 and 15 months.
The fit is very similar: close fitting through the body and long in body length.
Bottle - fed babies gain weight more quickly, while breastfed babies are leaner — although both groups have similar growth in length and head circumference.
Babies» growth in the womb and their size at birth, especially their length, are strikingly similar the world over — when babies are born to healthy, well - educated and well - nourished mothers.
Do you know any sources to check if laws from, say, early 19th century and contemprorary ones are in general of similar length?
Take similar precautions with your pets; do not leave them outdoors or in an unheated vehicle for any length of time.
The carnivorous animal, which was roughly the size of a small lion, walked on all fours, its forelimbs and hindlimbs are similar in proportion, and the limbs themselves are pretty short relative to the length of the body.
Width and length are especially important if you want to store your bike in a closet or similar area when you aren't using it.
They isolated the importance of temperature by studying only female beak length and comparing species with similar diets living in different climates.
This contradicted previous researchers, who had noted that the pattern of word lengths and symbol combinations was similar to structures found in real languages, a match that would be difficult for a forger to replicate.
The two devices were roughly similar in design — both sucked hair into a vacuum tube, snipped it with internal blades at a precise and controllable length, then sucked away the clippings — but they were fully indistinguishable in purpose: to put into the hands of the common man a power hitherto known only to trained professionals, that of cutting human hair.
You can tell the difference by the length and severity of the illness and whether you've had a similar experience in the past.
The periodic tables revealed similar relationships between 2 - D and 3 - D metals in bond length and compressibility.
Telomere length varies from person to person, but is similar in siblings, suggesting it might be under some genetic control.
These differences are not merely due to shorter alignments of the exon and UCE sequences, because each accounted for ~ 25 % of the TENT data, similar in sequence length to the random 25 % subset of the TENT with introns (table S3) that produced a tree with a higher average BS and a topology closer to the full TENT (Fig. 5A and fig.
To tackle the problem, Lei Jiang and his colleagues at the Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing created an array of conical copper and synthetic needles similar in shape to cactus needles of up to 0.5 millimeters in length.
Straight calculations of the sun's path in the sky on the morning of July 15 that year pointed to a window of 3:40 to 3:50 A.M., when the length of the shadows would have been similar to those captured in the photograph.
Materials • Two «two - by - four» or similar size wood planks, about one half meter long works best • Small plastic tub with lid • Sand or another dense material to fill the tub • Water • Freezer • Books • Ruler • Protractor • A carpeted area or a rug that can get damp (or a protective covering, such as a large plastic trash bag) Preparation • Make sure that the pieces of wood have surfaces that are similar in roughness and are about the same length and width.
In the current study, the researchers found that for patients with a similar set of characteristics, median cost varied by 87 percent, total length of stay varied by 47 percent, and ICU usage was 254 percent higher, all when comparing the lower eighth to the upper eighth of hospitals.
In SCA2, there is a similar relationship between CAG repeat length in the ataxin - 2 gene and the age of onset of symptomIn SCA2, there is a similar relationship between CAG repeat length in the ataxin - 2 gene and the age of onset of symptomin the ataxin - 2 gene and the age of onset of symptoms.
Methods: Diphenylphosphine ligands, which consist of two phenyl (C6H5) substituted phosphorus centers separated by a carbon chain of variable length, produce gold clusters with extremely narrow distributions in size; that is, the synthesis route produces a large quantity of clusters with the same number of gold atoms as well as a small number of clusters with similar numbers of atoms.
Cells closer to the QC show a rather similar yet slightly increasing size, while cells further away increase strongly in length exponentially (Fig 1C).
Disease progression was compared in three knockin mouse lines with similar CAG repeat expansion lengths of approximately 190 repeats, were compared at 2, 4, 6 and 10 months of age utilizing PsychoGenics proprietary cubes platform technologies: PhenoCube ®, Smart Cube ® and Neurocube ® as well as standard behavioral testing paradigms including Open Field and Tapered Balance Beam.
Similar to the findings in E14 VM neurons, we found that miR - 181a inhibition also led to significant increase in neurite length (P < 0.01)(Figure 5D, F) and neurite branching (P < 0.01)(Figure 5E, F) at 48 h in E18 rat cortical neurons.
Similar to GDF5 treatment, we found that transfection with the miR - 181a inhibitor led to significant increases in neurite length (Figure 3G, I)(P < 0.001) and neurite branching (Figure 3H, I)(P < 0.001) compared with the controls.
It is likely that a future trial that limits enrollment to patients at a similar stage in their disease, and thus has a less variable length of survival from enrollment, would both find a similar survival benefit and reach statistical significance.
Although this limitation is present in other studies using similar artificial grammar - like nested sequences64, 104, the effects of length were typically not observed, possibly because the differences in duration in those studies were around 1 s compared to 3 s in the current experiment.
A statistically significant dependency between gene expression and total exon length has indeed been found in C. elegans, but a similar analysis in humans failed to demonstrate this association [85].
When the team knocked out such pairs of limb enhancers with similar activity, they saw characteristics like extra digits or differences in bone length — indicating that these enhancers functioned redundantly.
Similar to the original cam design, resistance bands increase in resistance as the lifter applies more force, which is perfect for people with bad joints or similar problems, as you can just adjust the length of the band ySimilar to the original cam design, resistance bands increase in resistance as the lifter applies more force, which is perfect for people with bad joints or similar problems, as you can just adjust the length of the band ysimilar problems, as you can just adjust the length of the band you use.
The Warrior Diet has you fasting for 20 - 24 hours every single day, so it's similar to Eat Stop Eat in terms of the fasting length.
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