Sentences with phrase «similar invitation»

«We are however surprised that the EFCC has not extended similar invitation to Mr Babachir Lawal, the former SGF sacked alongside Oke,» Afenifere said.
Despite all that you have done, your target might be inundated with similar invitations and messages.
«The Cardinal made it clear to the RNC (and to the Democratic National Committee as well) that he was only there to offer a prayer, not to engage in any partisan politics,» the spokesman, Joseph Zwilling, said in an e-mail, «and that he would be willing to accept a similar invitation from the DNC if they were to invite him to pray at their Convention as well.»
He's had no similar invitation or opportunity to meet with Sen. Obama.
The Century noted that similar invitations might arise were he to be elected president.
Mr. Tillman said he could not comment on whether his party might extend a similar invitation to Mr. Bergen, other than to say several party members have expressed an interest in running.
It imitates graffiti art, but with its own glow and without the pandering of a similar invitation to participate in the Brooklyn Museum's graffiti show.
The European Parliament has sent a similar invitation.
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