Sentences with phrase «similar muscle activity»

The lateral raise and bench press seem to produce similar muscle activity, while the shoulder press produces greater activity than the lateral raise.
They report similar muscle activity between the pronated grip bar pull - up and the neutral grip towel pull - up (84 % vs. 87 % of MVIC levels).
Therefore, in practical terms both the squat and deadlift appear to produce similar muscle activity in the superficial and deep abdominals when performing the exercises with the same relative loads.
Therefore, the data appears to indicate that medium and narrow grip pronated and supinated pull - downs produce similar muscle activity in the biceps, while the chin - up appears to produce superior muscle activity to the pull - up.
They report that the medial gastrocnemius displayed superior muscle activity compared to the lateral gastrocnemius during loads equal to 30, 50 and 70 % of bodyweight, but displayed similar muscle activity during the maximal contraction.
Furthermore, they reported that the mid-range portion of the concentric lift produced superior medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscle activity compared to the lift - off position, but similar muscle activity was found between the lift - off and lock - out phase, as well as the mid-range and lockout.
Comparing the back squat and leg press, Andersen et al. (2006) found that the leg press involved similar muscle activity to the back squat (with the same relative load) but both Escamilla et al. (1998) and Escamilla et al. (2001b) found that the squat was superior to the leg press (also with the same relative load).

Not exact matches

Mstn − / − mice carrying a follistatin transgene had about four times the muscle mass of wild type mice, demonstrating the existence of other regulators of muscle mass with similar activity to myostatin.
I have presented data showing that FLRG, like follistatin, can promote muscle growth when expressed as a transgene in skeletal muscle and that both of these molecules appear to act by blocking not only myostatin but also other ligands with similar activity to myostatin.
It is the flip - side of myostatin, as increased follistatin blocks the activity of myostatin: either increased follistatin or reduced myostatin produce similar outcomes in animal studies, with treated individuals demonstrating increased muscle mass.
Women recently postmenopause have similar or improved benefits from physical activity, in terms of muscle and blood vessel function, as those premenopause.
Running, swimming, cycling, and similar activities work your large muscle groups requiring your body to work harder and meet these new and challenging demands.
Most squat variations appear to lead to similar quadriceps, gluteus maximus and erector spinae muscle activity, but the back squat seems to display greater quadriceps muscle activity than either the split squat or overhead squat.
Caterisano et al. (2002) reported that increasing depth led to increasing muscle activity (using the same absolute loads) but Contreras et al. (2015b) found that increasing depth had no effect on muscle activity (using the same relative loads), thereby indicating that so long as similar percentage of 1RM is used, depth has no effect on gluteus maximus muscle activity.
Other compound exercises such as the sled push and split squat produce similar levels of muscle activity and are therefore likely to be comparably effective.
The back squat appears to display lower abdominal muscle activity than the overhead squat or plank exercises but similar abdominal muscle activity to the front squat and deadlift.
Back squats and split squats generally produce similar calf muscle activity.
The back squat appears to display similar gastrocnemius and soleus muscle activity to the leg press but less than the sled push.
These exercises will be more similar to on field activities in a number of criteria including range of movement, where in the range of movement the force is applied, the direction that force is applied the speed of movement, muscle contraction type, and the regime of muscular work.
Back squats, front squats, Smith machine squats, hip thrusts and sled pushes appear to display similar quadriceps muscle activity, but the back squat seems to display greater quadriceps muscle activity than either the split squat or overhead squat.
Deadlift variations produce largely similar gastrocnemius muscle activity, although they are most effective in the order sumo > conventional > stiff - legged.
Other compound exercises such as the sled push and split squat produce similar levels of muscle activity, and are likely to be similarly effective.
However, Contreras et al. (2015b) found that increasing depth had no effect on muscle activity (using the same relative loads), suggesting that so long as similar percentage of 1RM is used, depth is not important.
They reported that the gastrocnemius muscle activity was higher during the Romanian deadlift compared to the prone leg curl but similar in the Romanian deadlift and both glute - ham raise and good morning exercise.
Back squats, front squats, split squats and leg presses all appear to lead to similar gluteus maximus muscle activity.
Comparing the back squat and the split squat, Andersen et al. (2014) found that the split squat displayed greater external oblique muscle activity but similar rectus abdominis muscle activity to the back squat.
These and similar BIG exercises stimulate more muscle fiber, stir up more fat burning and muscle building hormones, and have more carry - over to real world and sporting activities than machines.
Bench Press and Push - up at Comparable Levels of Muscle Activity Results in Similar Strength Gains.
They report that despite similar absolute loads between medium and narrow grips, superior biceps muscle activity was produced by the medium grip in the concentric portion only.
Lehman et al. (2004) reported that loads equalling 10 to 12RM during pronated and supinated pull - downs produced similar biceps muscle activity.
The one arm row (19 %) and ghost row (4 - 25 %) appear to produce similar levels of biceps muscle activity but inferior to bilateral horizontal inverted rows (41 %).
The descriptive statistics report that the inverted row (25 %) and the suspension trainer inverted row (22 - 28 %) produce similar biceps muscle activity, while a lower angle of pull (the body oriented more horizontal) produced greater muscle activity (41 %) indicating that greater load produces greater biceps muscle activity in this exercise.
Andersen et al. (2005) similarly found that lower erector spinae muscle activity was similar in barbell back squats and smith machine squats with the same absolute load but they found superior muscle activity in the upper erector spinae in the barbell squat.
Comparing the effect of exercise variation, Santana et al. (2007) explored the peak muscle activity during the bench press and standing 1 arm cable press with similar relative loads.
Furthermore, the commonly - performed good morning and Romanian deadlift exercises display similar erector spinae muscle activity.
Rectus abdominis muscle activity is similar in all curl up variations.
While the bench press produces superior muscle activity compared to the shoulder press despite similar elbow flexion ranges of motion, it appears the load lifted is also greater, thus indicating that greater loads produce superior triceps muscle activity during compound exercises with similar elbow joint range of motion.
Saeterbakken & Fimland (2013) found that the greatest triceps muscle activity was displayed during the standing barbell shoulder press compared to the standing dumbbell shoulder press, while the seated variations produced similar levels of muscle activity.
Comparing the split squat with a walking lunge exercise, Stastny et al. (2015) found that the walking lunge displayed similar quadriceps muscle activity to the split squat.
Overall, the data indicate that grip widths > 100 % of shoulder (acromial) width produce superior but similar pectoralis major sternocostal head muscle activity.
The highest erector spinae muscle activity is displayed as the bar is lowered during the descending phase until its peak, but erector spinae muscle activity is similar throughout the whole of the ascending phase.
Similarly, Andersen et al. (2005) found that muscle activity of the deep abdominal stabilisers was similar in barbell back squats and smith machine squats with the same absolute.
McCaw et al. (1994) reported similar findings, showing that the smith machine and barbell bench press produce similar levels of muscle activity in the triceps muscle.
They reported that erector spinae muscle activity was similar on the stable and unstable surfaces.
Surprisingly, it displays similar rectus abdominis and erector spinae muscle activity to the back squat.
Rectus abdominis muscle activity is similar in sit ups and curl ups but external oblique muscle activity is higher in sit ups than curls ups.
They reported that erector spinae muscle activity was similar with and without a weightlifting belt in conventional or sumo deadlift conditions.
Both groups found that gluteus maximus muscle activity was similar in both exercises.
Acetic acid has been shown to suppress disaccharidase activity (3) and to raise glucose -6-phosphate concentrations in skeletal muscle (4); thus, vinegar may possess physiological effects similar to acarbose or metformin.
Andersen et al. (2010) compared the free weight lateral raise to the band resisted lateral raise and found the middle deltoid displayed similar average muscle activity between the two variations.
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