Sentences with phrase «similar others»

The phrase "similar others" refers to people who are alike or have similarities in certain ways. It suggests that there are other individuals who are similar to a specific person or group in terms of interests, characteristics, or behavior. Full definition
I saw something similar the other day, wish I bought it now.
Being with similar others leads us to think we all hold the same information and share the same perspective.
Recently, researchers have begun to identify exactly how early this preference for similar others begins to develop.
The food contains proteins, sugars, carbs, and similar other things.
I will also include in this article other most unusual looks and similar other titles.
Perhaps this case — and similar others which some of us have been on the wrong side of — is some answer to the question posed here.
Their responsiveness was key to our offer getting accepted by the buyer despite similar other offers.
A niche service is a specialized form of service that is different from the regular service and entrepreneurs who often wish to distinguish their business from similar others in a growing or even saturated market look for niche ideas.
I made something very similar the other week from Moosewood simple suppers.
I made something really similar the other week with diced, sauteed potatoes and shallots.
You can also read parenting blogs — it can be reassuring to see how similar other peoples» problems are to your own.
«If we can represent the meaning for a word in a way a computer could understand, then the computer will be able to read texts on behalf of humans and perform potentially useful tasks such as translating a text written in a foreign language, summarising a lengthy article, or find similar other documents from the Internet.
The notion that people prefer similar others is as empirically - validated a research finding as they come in our field (see here, for example).
The Alberta automobile policy excludes loss or damage «caused by the conversion, embezzlement, theft or secretion by any person in lawful possession of the automobile under a mortgage, conditional sale, lease or similar other written agreement.»
As of Monday morning, at least eight units in the 12 - unit building at 2388 Champlain St. NW were listed on Airbnb and similar other sites, with nightly rates ranging from $ 65 to $ 155.
The NIV and similar other translations have David «earnestly» seeking God — David's «whole being» thirsting and longing for God.
Yet, when we are confronted about Joshua and similar other characters, we get all huffy and defensive of «The Bible».
I made something similar the other night and I'm definitely going to try your version Plus, that potato medley looks awesome!
We literally get nothing from Mike Dean, but everything similar the other way gets whistled against us.
The second impactor was 50 - to 60 - kilometer - wide (31 - to 37 - mile - wide), and it scooped out the younger crater, Rheasilvia, which is nearly 500 kilometers wide and 19 kilometers deep and is similar other large basins found on low - gravity icy bodies.
My Tee shirt is from Boohoo that I bought it years ago, but found similar other options that I linked below!
This website is one of the best popular herpes support and herpes dating site in Australia that makes life a lot easier for people living with HIV, HPV, AIDS and similar other STD issues.
To review Upgrade, NerdWallet collected more than 30 data points from the lender, interviewed company executives, completed the online loan application process with sample data, and compared the lender with others that seek the same customer or offer a similar
The economic indicators like the GDP, CPI and similar other indicators too frame the way these rates may fluctuate.
Formulated with meat, beef, lamb meal, egg product, sweet potatoes, potatoes, peas, canola oil, ocean fish, salmon oil, salt and similar other ingredients.
This goes for similar other small breeds - Chihuahuas, Maltese, Miniature Schnauzers, Pugs, Westies etc..
This post (and similar other posts are, unfortunately, becoming very common) is both heartening and depressing at the same time.
The acts of composing, reading and sending the text messages and emails or making use of web world in similar other works on a mobile phone while driving a motor vehicle are termed as texting while driving.
Currently, WaitChatter works only with Google Chat — you will need to revert back from hangouts to use it - but there's no need to get in a fluster, the same software can be applied to similar other IM programs such as Skype, Snapchat, iMessage, Facebook and WhatsApp.
Brighthand's chief reviewer, Adama D. Brown, brings us his first impressions of i - mate's new JAQ, which has a form - factor similar other recent smartphones, like the Motorola Q and iPAQ hw6900.
Like some other similar other malware removal tools, RegRun Reanimator throws up false positives and for beginners, this can be quite confusing.
The backup operation should secure your contacts, call logs, texts, images, videos, audio files, market apps, internet settings, calendar info and similar other files or packages — you can use backup and restore apps from Google Play, you can sync your data with your account or you can apply cloud storage services that are already running on your phone.
Also mention the routine Agricultural activities you performed like maintaining inventories of fertilizers, monitoring livestock, planning and scheduling farming tasks, managing the farm business capital and similar other activities.
In a group with experientially similar others, parents found understanding and acceptance, which reduced their sense of isolation and enabled them to feel better able to cope.
According to research out of West Point and Columbia University, thanks to something called «implicit egotism,» people tend to gravitate toward others who resemble them «because similar others activate people's positive, automatic associations about themselves.»
Some thing fundamental is missing here or the Competition has to be totally blind so as not be aware of the collusion listed above by Gas conpanies, Dentists and similar other associations.
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