Sentences with phrase «similar spirit»

The on - line options allows us to connect to those of similar spirits who are otherwise very hard to find.
In similar spirit, through regular intercession a congregation discovers that the things its people need are things that everyone can have.
Maybe aswell as God's grace and healing, he has worked hard to get himself in better shape and he wants to see others display similar spirit.
In a similar spirit, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi is now calling for a «growth pact» to replace the «fiscal pact» demanded by Angela Merkel's government in Germany.
In a similar spirit, in a widely - shared piece on progressive callout culture, Freddie DeBoer warned the left that «the prohibition against ever telling anyone to be friendlier and more forgiving is so powerful and calcified it's a permanent feature of today's progressivism.»
As Bayles noted, in a similar spirit the Germanoid jerks who called themselves Kraftwerk said that the Velvet Underground made their favorite kind of American music because its
We hadn't the numbers to match anything like the SBC's Chicago enterprise, but we were of a similar spirit.
In a similar spirit to the UCC's «God is still speaking» slogan, I believe that there is a lot written in the last hundred years that should be in the Bible, or included as a modern companion piece to the Bible.
[2] In a similar spirit of intolerance, Oxford University Students» Union banned the Life group from advertising its services [3] and Strathclyde University has banned the Life group there as threatening the «safe space» for pro-choice students.
In a similar spirit, show the girls in your life that science is not just for boys and let their complex minds surprise you.
At another Courtesy call on the Chiefs and people of Kadjebi, the president was met with a similar spirit of friendship and support, where he assured them of continuous development including asphalting of the Kadjebi town roads among others.
I'm not suggesting that the next Conservative Government should act in a similar spirit — dear me, no.
Armstrong called on Corbyn to intervene in a similar spirit to Blair.
And a similar spirit is reflected abroad.
«There's a long history of entrepreneurship here,» says Lowe, who has experienced a similar spirit in Scandinavia.
If Gray's orphan Annie was relevant in the era of the Great Depression, then this modern - day Annie, living in the aftermath of the Great Recession, is at least relevant in a similar spirit.
And in a similar spirit to the Golden Globes, some actors opted to bring political guests in lieu of family members or partners.
«The Artist» evinces a similar spirit of paying tribute to the past by mocking it.
In a similar spirit, the 2018 BMW M550i xDrive bridges the gap between the extensive 5 Series offerings (the 335 - horesepower 540i to be exact) and the upcoming 600 - horsepower M5.
Goodnight Nebraska was described as «uncommonly human,» and it seems his next book, To Be Sung Underwater, is of similar spirit.
In a similar spirit, I also took the time to get the Consulting page up to date with details of my recent consultancy and exhibitions (which hopefully will prove equally useful for people who want to hire me to do comics things for money).
We have decided to embrace the self - publishing phenomenon in a similar spirit.
In a similar spirit, Thorn also posted an article celebrating the first generation of postwar shojo manga artists, the men and women whose work profoundly influenced such Magnificent 49ers as Keiko Takemiya and Moto Hagio.
The NAVC runs on a similar spirit.
Three huge rave - like parties are held in a similar spirit as the world - famous Koh Phangan Full Moon Party every month in Koh Samui: the Black Moon and two Escape (Half Moon) Parties.
Zelda has so far resisted the urge to lavish choice on the player and respond to his every whim, but it follows a similar spirit of indulgence in its loving details, its carefully crafted adventure that reeks of quality and just - for - you - ness.
Recommended for people who enjoy games along the lines of Gunstar Heroes — although this one plays differently, I feel it has a similar spirit to it.
It is designed in a similar spirit as The Waste Land.
The revolt was accompanied by an increased appreciation of Russian tradition as embodied in icons as well as in the oral tradition of fairytales, songs, incantations and sayings... Remarks by Malevich himself reveal a similar spirit... The absurdists [OBERIU group] who performed at Malevich's institute really did wish to undermine the credibility of the rapidly spreading, supposedly scientific materialism with their absurd actions.
In a similar spirit of cross-pollination, Thomas Dane Gallery and Chicago's Corbett vs. Dempsey are jointly creating a «time capsule» that transports us back to 1974.
So he put up a yellow facade with faded red Chinese characters and constructed a waiting room, in a similar spirit to the airport lounges and doctor's waiting rooms he had devised in Berlin, Minneapolis and other places.
The Royal Academy and Pin Drop Studio also work together on an annual short story award, which is open submission to attract both published and unpublished authors, in a similar spirit to the annual Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.
In a similar spirit, DailyServing has invited four of our San Francisco writers to use their perspectives to discuss each of the exhibitions.
In a similar spirit, but a different world, Matthew Ritchie combines mathematical theory with mythological symbols in an invented creation narrative that extends across his canvases and spills onto the floor in bright vinyl whorls.
In a similar spirit of collegiality, and activating the individual networks we all have within our own communities, this publication has collected an assembly of critical and interesting voices to think (and unthink) about the intangible.
Schütte's drawings directly inform his sculptural portraits, which are created in a similar spirit.
Schütte's drawings feed closely into his sculptural portraits, which are created in a similar spirit.
Schütte's drawings feed closely into his sculptural portraits, which are created in a similar spirit; the artist views working from observation as an opposition to a real, physical world that is constantly changing.
In a similar spirit are also Jansson Stegner's paintings.
In French the word «décor» refers to stage and film sets as well as interior design, and in a similar spirit the works in this volume occupy an arena midway between theater and everyday life.
The objective is to take a step back and re-examine our understanding of the GHE in light of new information in a similar spirit to Schneider and Dickinson, who provided some didactic value in addition to explaining the essence of the greenhouse effect (Schneider and Dickinson 1974).
It's similar spirit to penalizing selling drugs, so the state can take down dealers, without penalizing (or penalizing less) buying and taking drugs, so the state can help addicts get clean.
On December 10 and 11 MediaBistro, a company that specializes in hosting blogs, courses and events on various topics relevant to the tech industry, held their second Inside Bitcoins conference in Las Vegas, in a similar spirit to their...
The third version of the paper, it is likely to keep a similar spirit as past editions, which have seen Buterin use a tongue - in - cheek tone to discuss the big - picture developments the project is seeking to enact as it approaches key development milestones.
In a similar spirit, here's some reader mail...
I hope to be able to instil a similar spirit into my son (now 3).
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