Sentences with phrase «similar stage in their development»

The concept of stages is helpful because school districts can see what steps other districts have taken at a similar stage in their development as well as use the description of stages to facilitate program planning and anticipate needs.

Not exact matches

Similar to Mt Cuthbert, the White Range development scenario comprises a heap leach, solvent extraction and electrowinning facility and is in pre-feasibility stage.
The online small business lending market in Australia is growing at a faster rate than the US market did at a similar stage of development, the CEO of OnDeck Global has said.
By these and similar rules of social etiquette Islam guided the steps of people in backward stages of development, urging them to rise to an appropriate standard and attain the level of the more advanced social classes.
The gene expression patterns were so similar, in fact, that investigators were able to use them to match up the stages in worm and fly development.
It heralds a new era of curative treatment for patients with hepatitis C. Similar drugs that work equally well for all genotypes are now in the final stages of clinical development.
The next step, he says, is to investigate how embryonic mouse brains with induced folds develop as they mature past the fetal stages of development and to look across species to see if the gene has similar effects in other mammals.
Perhaps at later stages of normal spikelet development, a similar localized action represses floral identity genes in the lower floret.
The rapid pace of change on the complex, competitive stage of international developmentsimilar to what Heifetz and Laurie term «radically altered environments» in their landmark 1997 article «The Work of Leadership» — obligates UNICEF to prepare its leaders to solve stubborn problems by combining sound policy analysis and political mapping.
So similar are the developments globally that one can now posit that all schools sit at a point on an indicative international evolutionary stages continuum, and that schools and their communities have in the continuum a simple scale on which to quickly position themselves and better understand the likely road ahead.
Yet, an underexplored use of video in teacher education is scaffolding preservice teachers» video - based self - observation (self - video) by having them first practice critically observing the classroom videos of other preservice teachers at a similar stage of development, whom we call near peers.
Teachers of gifted writers may encourage the development of advanced writing skills through writing competitions, production in public venues, or staging of a student's original writing through drama, poetry readings, mentorships with local writers or other writing experts, or in - class response groups comprised of classmates with similar advanced writing abilities.
Consistently making decisions to engage and actually engaging in business development activity will also stimulate your RAS in a similar way, but, unfortunately, especially in the early stages, lawyers aren't very consistent with their activity.
Like similar devices at this stage in product development, Echo Buttons have not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission.
Amiko Pay and Stroem are two other projects similar to the Lightning Network that are currently in various stages of development.
Although there are other Blockchain 3.0 projects operating in a similar space, like Cardano and EOS, they are still very much in the early stages of development.
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