Sentences with phrase «similar tales of woe»

It's not hard to find similar tales of woe.
Bart Freundlich («The Myth of Fingerprints») directs and writes the screenplay to what seems like just another dysfunctional family drama, one that too easily becomes blurred with all the other similar tales of woe.
The post was meant for her friends, teens who can relate and share similar tales of woe. could tell a similar tale of woe.
Most women seek commonalities with other women (one complains of an ailment, the other sympathizes with a similar tale of woe) while men tend to one - up the other in a hierarchcal scramble for dominance (a guy has an ailment, so the other guy ignores it, dismisses it, or elevates his own standing).

Not exact matches

Or so it sometimes seems, I hear so many tales of similar woe....
African scammers are slightly different in that they send out emails relating tales of woe and stating that they have a great deal of money sitting in a bank account in Uganda and are looking for assistance to transfer it into an overseas bank account for a percentage of the sum (or similar).
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