Sentences with phrase «simple belief in»

Simple belief in an aidea does not make it so.
With a firm and simple belief in God which could be understood by the humblest and least educated, with a fiery confidence in Mohammed as the supreme prophet of God, with reverence for Jesus but declaring that Christians had misrepresented him, that he was not the unique Son of God, and that to Mohammed had been given a later revelation, with the type of fatalism and belief in heaven which reinforced ardor in battle, Islam proved the faith of warriors.

Not exact matches

In summary, evidence from simple tests with available data (about 16.5 years) does not support a belief that investors can reliably capture a value premium via popular value - growth ETFs.
So, using simple logic that I assume you would be able to perform (since you feel you are superior), atheism can be defined as a religion, in that it is a belief system and worldview (i.e: a religion).
Atheism, in it's least severe definition, denotes the lack of the belief «theism» (or, in simpler terms, the lack of a belief in God or Gods).
Not all Jews believe this, BTW, but in Judaism I have yet to run across someone who believe that G - d would punish anyone for their «beliefs» and not their «deeds» (take a good look at the Tanach... the contract with the Jews (known as the «teachings of G - d», not «the law») is all about behaviour; and while many Christians have been raised to view «the teachings of G - d» (the law) as something to be «freed» from... one has to ask the simple question..
In typical fashion, your should now react the way that the religious have reacted to their belief being shown wrong... it is simple... just say» oh that part isn't meant to be taken literally» and move on...
are people so simple they crave the misguided beliefs of others to feel better about themselves or are we triing to understand the lunacy of our citizens to believe something as pathic as a 3000 year old IDEA in order to act properly when voting in those who will run this country for the next 4 years a.k.a. voting in one who using rational thinking and logic to make choices!
There are no «have to do this» laws outside of the basic employment laws that we all need to meet and if I have a strong belief that I don't want to fund something that fundamentally I don't believe in then I shouldn't have to — simple as that.
Indeed, in both cases, the faithful simple became more radicalized in their beliefs.
Your belief in God is based on nothing more than a simple desire to believe a comforting narrative because the alternative is to believe harsh realities about your existence.
So JFA will not answer simple questions abou his cult's beliefs because I am not an American but he feels free to comment (in error) on Canada.
If we are talking about how to receive eternal life, it is not simple belief that matters, but believing in the right person for the right thing.
If you check the OED, atheism is EITHER the simple lack of belief or, more strongly, the disbelief in gods.
And none is more real than that which comes to light in Cary's explanation of what Luther actually means by «faith alone,» namely, a simple, firm belief that our sins are absolved when we hear the divine words to that effect pronounced in the sacraments of Baptism and Penance.
He made a simple change in his theological beliefs, but it had profound effects on his behavior and life.
atheists are given a very significant role in this dialectical process in the evolution towards Panthrotheism, the belief that God give to humanity the privilige or responsibilty of charting human history.since you are not indoctrinated to specific dogma and doctrines, your open mindedness enables you percieve a deeper understanding of reality, simple logic but more profound scientific knowlege will lead you to God.religious humanism through science is your guiding spirit.
Atheism is, simply, a lack of theistic belief, or, in simpler terms, an atheist does not believe in the existence of God.
Thus, these simple and in some ways half - baked lyrics walk us right on the edge of belief in love, and a philosophic distance from it.
The statistical reality, so far as I can tell, is that Judaism in the contemporary world is far more threatened by a simple lack of interest by Jews in Judaism, and hence an inability to pass on (as a religious faith) beliefs that are not broadly held.
Simple minded atheists are going to flock to every article in the «belief» section and try to peddle their monkey minded nothingness.
1) We're highly evolved primates 2) We have overactive imaginations 3) Our greatest evolutionary asset, our large and highly-folded brains, are also responsible for an insatiable curiosity 4) As a species, and a survival tactic, we make things up to comfort ourselves in difficult times 5) As a complex societal species, we create commonalities and «traditions» with others in our clan / tribe / community 6) These «traditions» result in security, trust, and strong relationships that make the collective more able to survive than the individual 7) These common beliefs also act as a means of numbing the brain to questions and concerns without legitimate or tangible answers 8) Religion is simply a survival mechanism 9) When we die, we simple «are not alive» anymore.
Again we are to see it as implicit ever since the origin of the simplest forms of the belief in a national god; but, like the covenant idea itself, it attained an exaltation such as to make of it a new thing.
As it happened, the belief that Elijah was still alive was expressed in another and simpler way.
to J.W. and fred — i think its rather silly to argue anything as fact if its cleary thought based (i.e. lacking proof / evidence) when asked about the where did we come from or how the universe (whatever) i always answer with i don't know, but then i pose an idea — i state openly thats its only an idea... if any one of you religions folks would simple agree to the FACT that what you BELIEVE is real is REALLY only an idea until proven (much like evolution) then i would find much more pleasing conversations beyond the realm of atheists... but alas, i am still waiting — i found some but most are imovible in there beliefs that god is real, provable, and most def.
I don't think people typically connect their beliefs in a clear and simple way back to some fundamental set.
Even the most simple - minded Atheist has to wonder that if the greatest minds in history had one thing in common, the belief in God, that maybe there was something to it.
Simple Robert... when all of the laws that have been put in place because of YOUR religion, when the references to YOUR beliefs that have been put in place get removed, and your religion is no longer forced on everyone, I will care far less.
This may sound simple, but in reality, our true belief that we can be successful at life is built from a complex set of factors, including our previous success, vicarious experience from watching others, beliefs we've developed from the feedback of others feedback, and our own temperament.
For some, belief in God is as simple as reading it in a holy book or hearing it from an authority figure.
So it's not a matter of simple «belief,» because the disciple of Christ is called to die to himself, take up his cross, and follow Christ in the transformation of his new self.
you'd think if god was truly the god spoken of then faith would be unneeded and belief a thing of the past — yet — people will believe whatever they wish no matter the proof or lack there of and its truly sad to consider that this delusion type mass brainwashing is going on right now and has been for over 2000 years... please don't let the time in which this sm.ut has been around make you think its worth its wieght in salt — i bid Lot's wife its not — in ALL early man stories from around the globe people have created GRAND stories about the start and end of times — its that simple.
This anecdote communicates a simple but dynamic truth about growth that is often overlooked — that a major dreamsquelcher which causes us to postpone our potentializing indefinitely is the belief that «I can't do what I'd really like to do because...» If you feel some serious inner or outer obstacles to making creative changes in your life, welcome to the human race!
These can be as simple as the Scandinavian belief in vaettir (nature spirits) or as complex as the poems and songs about the Aesi that were written and are still sung and performed in Iceland.
This point of view, which certainly seems to take dynamism as intrinsic to all our experience such that we have simple ideas of relational events, of change, is in keeping with the intent of Whitehead's belief in the primacy of process.
Many religious beliefs and practices remain much in evidence, contrary to simpler predictions that have envisioned a simple decline in religious vitality.
The following is a simple, logical argument for my belief that the appearances of bread and wine are literally the appearances of Jesus in the Eucharist.
It's easy and comforting to say that the bible is IT in terms of belief, but, IMO, it's not as simple as that.
Yesterday, they published an embarrassingly simple - minded op - ed in the New York Times decrying the «simplistic theology, cultural isolationism and stubborn anti-intellectualism» of evangelicals who hold beliefs that differ from their own.
The six fundamentals of Islam — belief in God, in Angels, in the scriptures, in the messengers of God, in the Day of Resurrection, and in God's disposition for good and evil — are taught to all Muslims, but those who receive only simple religious instruction have only superficial knowledge of religious doctrine.
It's sad they define the world we live in... Think about how much further we would progress as a HUMAN civilization without this simple minded thinking and beliefs getting in our way.
As Andrea Williams of the Christian Lawyers» fellowship commented «Whilst Christian groups have been clear from the outset that they would not wish in any way to deny the provision of basic goods and services to homosexuals, the Government have refused all calls that the Regulations should contain a simple clause that «no - one should be forced by this law to promote or actively condone any sexual practices which are contrary to their deeply held religious belief.
Atheism is simple the absence of belief in gods.
Thank you for allowing me to feel that it's ok to want to be in control of what you eat and what you feed your loved ones, and for compounding my belief that there is a simpler and more nourishing way to eat amongst all the processed «food» out there.
Through these and many other kitchen interactions I have learned a great deal about Jodi's cooking practices and principles and her steadfast belief in simple, quality ingredients and innovative techniques for healthier eating.
We're never going to win the league again under Wenger, i'd put money on that, and the simple reason is because he lives in 2004 and under the belief that the Invincibles team can be recreated by playing the same way.
It's the simple lack of a beliefs in deities.
In order to keep this a place where differences in philosophies, beliefs, opinions, and parenting styles are welcomed please help us by following these simple ruleIn order to keep this a place where differences in philosophies, beliefs, opinions, and parenting styles are welcomed please help us by following these simple rulein philosophies, beliefs, opinions, and parenting styles are welcomed please help us by following these simple rules.
My instincts have always been in favour of the Euro from the point of view of simple logic in addition to my beliefs in integration.
The latest RE curriculum framework for teaching prior to GCSE level was produced last year and recommends the study of non-religious worldviews like Humanism alongside religions — a simple codification of the developing place of non-religious beliefs in RE which has evolved over many decades.
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