Sentences with phrase «simple blueprint»

The First 20 Minutes debunks a number of health and fitness myths and lays out a simple blueprint for getting the most out of exercise — without all the conventional wisdom and marketing b.s. that tends to lead us astray.
There is no simple blueprint to football longevity, he clarifies, but there are tricks.
Whoever it is that is chosen by the new look boardroom will have quite a to - do - list, top of that list will be tracking down the ever not so present owner Randy Lerner, his intentions with the club are critical, so far its been a simple blueprint — sell all the best players and hide.
These books have simple blueprints to follow, it's really fun!
Sex, in reality, is more than the simple blueprint learned in high - school biology — XX for female, XY for male.
When we use history to help us think about the present and plan for the future, we should not treat it as a simple blueprint to be followed that will have predictable results.
Then the glass objects are removed and the assistants take measurements, creating a simple blueprint of the arrangement that will accompany the piece wherever it travels.
Download this free guide to learn the simple blueprint that'll help you find the paint color that fits your personal taste and the mood you're trying to achieve in your space.
I wish I had some sort of CAD software so I could give you a more detailed blueprint, but I don't, so I just threw together the simple blueprint you see below using photoshop.
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