Sentences with phrase «simple carbon tax»

No phony offsets, no CDM, no futures markets to enrich investment bankers, a nice simple carbon tax that encourages private investment in carbon emission reduction.
Both candidates, however, need to answer a crucial question: Why cap - and - trade when so many policy experts, seeing the troubles with carbon trading in Europe, now recommend a simpler carbon tax?
In the U.S. we can't even get a simple carbon tax instituted, though economists of every stripe support it.
It is amusing to me that some people think human creativity and adaptability will solve any and all problems associated with the Anthropocene, but that a simple carbon tax will bring civilization crashing down.
We then consider adding a simple carbon tax on biofuels» and biomass» combustion emissions, regardless of upstream sequestration or emissions.
Time to resurrect the idea of a simple carbon tax.
The proposed emissions trading scheme will be more complicated, slower to produce the desired effect, and less effective than a simple carbon tax.
MS. HAYHOE: I think he knows the likelihood of that more than I do, but I do know that one of my absolute favorite organizations is Citizens Climate Lobby, and they are founded on the premise of a simple carbon tax — nothing fancy; no difficult regulations; no three feet of code.
I find systems of emissions trading and so forth needlessly complex and would much prefer a simple carbon tax.
Personally, I would think it best if CarbonWA would join that discussion and push for a simple carbon tax, rather than a complex and bureaucratic cap - and - trade system.
Gore used to back this, before he took on the job of managing billions of investments in carbon trading firms whose net worth depends on a complex and politically manipulable cap and trade and offset schemes rather than a simple carbon tax.
A simple carbon tax can't do that without additional intervention from Congress.
Instead of tax increases that are «veiled as «cap and trade» schemes,» Congress should offset a simple carbon tax with a reduction in income or payroll taxes.»
In theory, if the United States ever got serious about tackling climate change and put a price on carbon — through either a cap - and - trade system or a simple carbon tax — we could put an end to much of this anguished contrarianism.
Instead of imposing a simple carbon tax that would send a clear signal to the markets, Congress wants to create a set of hidden taxes through a «cap and trade» system.
A simple carbon tax would have got the ball rolling, funded useful renewable technology to get up and running and would generally have acclimatized the public to paying more for clean energy.
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