Sentences with phrase «simple climate models predicted»

For instance, back in the 1960s, simple climate models predicted that global warming caused by more carbon dioxide would lead to cooling in the upper atmosphere (because the heat is getting trapped at the surface).

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My simple regression - based statistical climate model predicts global carbon dioxide, surface temperature & sea level at yearly time steps.
Not only is the climate of the Lorenz model easy to understand, it is also simple to predict how it will respond to a variety of «external forcings», in the form of either a parameter perturbation or direct forcing term in the dynamical equations.
My point was that, if we accept this basic story (it's too simple, even as an account of how cultural cognition works; but that's in the nature of «models» & should give us pause only when the simplification detracts from rather than enhances our ability to predict and manage the dynamics of the phenomenon in question), then there's no reason to view the valences of the cultural meanings attached to crediting climate change risk as fixed or immutable.
As climatologist Gavin Schmidt jokes, there is a simple way to produce a perfect model of our climate that will predict the weather with 100 percent accuracy: first, start with a universe that is exactly like ours; then wait 14 billion years.
Climology, modeled after cosmology, would include study of projected future climate conditions, beyond what we can predict with simple differential integrations of the present state as determined by climonomy and climometry.
Even the best of the non-linear models being used by the IPPC do not provide results which can be used to predict the direction of our climate, although as with simpler models they are useful learning tools.
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