Sentences with phrase «simple correlation»

1) The attribution of Global Warming to CO2, is not through simple correlation with data from ice ages as suggested here.
Not surprisingly, parent socioeconomic status is strongly predictive of student test scores, and, looking at simple correlations, we find that less - advantaged students do tend to be assigned to teachers with lower VA measures.
Anthropogenic global warming does not rely on simple correlations.
In fact, the observation that using simple correlations over time is unlikely to yield the true «causal» relationship is exactly what motivated us to follow a different methodological approach.
We use simple correlation coefficients to measure the strength of the relationship between fluid cognitive skills and test scores.
Inspecting various simple correlations between two variables linked via strong physical and theoretical evidence is not pseudoscience.
Kellie, any thoughts on preparing a summary of whatever evidence is available from Factor Analysis, as opposed to simply talking about simple correlations which don't of course — as you'd know — tell us much about actual causation of the differences?
It's a simple correlation: Teams whose players are subjects in a terrible photoshoot in which they look like knockoff versions of R&B groups, always lose.
There is a simple correlation: spend big — win big.
In fact, scholars have recently moved beyond this simple correlation and started disaggregating the programmes and their impact on separate domestic groups.
It was therefore essential to determine whether a causal link exists between methylation and gene expression, rather than relying on a simple correlation.
It is not so easy to make a simple correlation between asymmetrical feathers and flight.
Put simply, these participants rated nearly all odorants as extremely pleasant or extremely unpleasant, rendering a classification analysis similar to a simple correlation analysis.
«These findings appear to reflect a simple correlation and we know that correlation is not causation.
Had he done so, he would have drawn a line that went up only 1/3 of the distance implied by the simple correlation with CO2 shown by the ice core record.
Indeed in our larger study, we show that simple correlations are obscured by a variety of other factors that also influence student outcomes.
As a result, this simple correlation tells us nothing about whether charters increase segregation or just tend to locate in areas where the schools are already segregated.
While informative about principals» overall abilities, a simple correlation does not tell us whether principals are more or less effective at identifying teachers at certain points on the ability distribution.
We move beyond an analysis of simple correlations by using three distinct, but related, research designs to identify the causal impact of teachers» biases on students» educational attainment.
This simple correlation is not corrected for unreliability of the measures of grit and Big Five traits (a measure that has a test - retest reliability of.80 can not correlate with another measure at a higher level than.80 — correlations can be corrected for this attenuation).
The simple correlation between spending per student and average TIMSS test scores is 0.13 in primary school and 0.16 in middle school, on a scale where 1.0 denotes an absolute positive correlation between the two variables and 0 signals no correlation (see figure 2).
The relationship is not as strong as the simple correlation between growth mindset and achievement levels, but it is meaningful in size.
When they calculate the simple correlation between income and math achievement, Helen Ladd's approach, they find that a $ 4,000 increment (a 50 percent increase in the $ 8,000 average income reported by the families in this study) in the income of the poor family will lift student achievement by 20 percent of a standard deviation (close to a year's worth of learning in the middle years of schooling), a substantial impact that seems to support the Broader, Bolder claims.
No matter what the Broader, Bolder group says, any inference that might be drawn from a simple correlation between achievement and poverty is problematic.
This, and the other associations highlighted in the text, are simple correlations, not demonstrations of causation.
However, there is no agreement on how to explain the simple correlation between civic virtue and educational attainment.
The graph shows a simple correlation between black - white discipline disparities (the percentage of black students given one or more out - of - school suspensions in 2013 — 14 divided by the percentage of white students given the same) versus black - white poverty disparities (the percentage of black children between the ages of five and seventeen in the district living below the poverty line divided by the percentage of white children living below the poverty line).
The thesis itself was perhaps too tidy — in Contemporary Sociology, California State University Professor Linda Fritschner pointed out that, according to immigration data, «a simple correlation between immigration and the school wars is nonexistent.»
According to the Bookseller, human resource director Neil Morrison said he made the decision following increasing evidence that there was no simple correlation between having a degree and ongoing performance in work.
This noise is one reason that my simple correlation analyses between U.S. nominal stock returns and inflation in my last post showed that stocks move almost randomly relative to inflation changes.
Completely independently of this oceanographic data, a simple correlation analysis (Foster and Rahmstorf ERL 2011) showed that the flatter warming trend of the last 10 years was mostly a result of natural variability, namely the recently more frequent appearance of cold La Niña events in the tropical Pacific and a small contribution from decreasing solar activity.
Further evidence of the crucial importance of El Niño is that after correcting the global temperature data for the effect of ENSO and solar cycles by a simple correlation analysis, you get a steady warming trend without any recent slowdown (see next graph and Foster and Rahmstorf 2011).
Had he done so, he would have drawn a line that went up only 1/3 of the distance implied by the simple correlation with CO2 shown by the ice core record.
In a completely different analysis, based only on a simple correlation of observed sea level rise and temperature, I came to a similar conclusion.
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