Sentences with phrase «simple day to day tasks»

Lawyers are embracing the iPad for many of the same reasons people of other professions are, to perform simple day to day tasks.
If she had a C - section delivery, she will likely have difficulty doing simple day to day tasks as her stomach muscles heal from the surgery.

Not exact matches

Something as simple as planning your tasks and goals for the day can be enough to stop you from procrastinating when you get to work.
You may be tempted to ease into your day by starting off with the simpler or less demanding tasks.
If they just took an extra 10 minutes a day to help kids learn to perform simple tasks on their own, they'd see their self - esteem grow before their very eyes.
The premise is simple; citizens are willing to take up the task of citizenship within the appropriate settings, Deliberation Day creates these settings.
Increased brain activation required by MS patients on warmer days to perform a simple task may signify neural inefficiency.»
Even if it's Day 1 of your exercise journey, your task is simple: Throw on some form - fitting clothing (you'll be able to see your body position better — and avoid a wardrobe malfunction), then get familiar with these seven basic poses.
Start the day off by completing one simple task and you're likely to complete others later that day.
Taking a 5 day break, to help one of your best friends have her wedding on the beach in La Jolla, was no simple task.
UK About Blog Clear Books is developed with the small business owner in mind and has a simple design to clearly guide users through day to day accounting and bookkeeping tasks.
There is also nothing wrong with starting with an simple task because you will still feel the same sense of accomplishment and achieve the momentum you need to have a productive remainder of the day.
Wedding Hairstyle — Planning a wedding is not a simple task as it involves many little events and decisions to make regarding the major day, including wedding hairstyles.
UK About Blog Clear Books is developed with the small business owner in mind and has a simple design to clearly guide users through day to day accounting and bookkeeping tasks.
Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m / cm / mm); mass (kg / g); volume / capacity (l / ml) Measure the perimeter of simple 2 - D shapes Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both # and p in practical contexts Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12 - hour and 24 - hour clocks Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o'clock, am / pm, morning, afternoon, noon and midnight Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year Compare durations of events [for example, to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]
Objectives covered: Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m / cm / mm); mass (kg / g); volume / capacity (l / ml) Measure the perimeter of simple 2 - D shapes Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both # and p in practical contexts Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12 - hour and 24 - hour clocks Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o'clock, am / pm, morning, afternoon, noon and midnight Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year Compare durations of events [for example, to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]
Introducing a simple guide for independent authors to do at least one task every day that promotes themselves as authors and their books to readers.
Approaches to preventive measures as simple as vaccination varied widely between — and, in many cases, within — shelters, depending on who was tasked with intake of animals on a particular day.
Your task for the first few days is simple: Speak to your hamster in the same, soft voice all day long.
UK About Blog Clear Books is developed with the small business owner in mind and has a simple design to clearly guide users through day to day accounting and bookkeeping tasks.
Some of the tasks where simple enough but i still kept getting lost and i still to this day have yet to finish that game.
Duelyst also follows Hearthstone «s lead by offering daily quests that allow you to complete simple tasks to earn enough gold to buy a new booster every day or so.
Whether you use the Task Manager in Outlook or you have something like Things for the Mac, make sure you keep a simple «to do» list every day and give yourself a realistic set of tasks to get through.
In addition, the staff member who receives the request may be overwhelmed with work that day and not able to focus on this task, causing further delays in the process, with no simple way to reassign the work.
Since it does affect the neurology of the child and the ability of his or her muscles to function properly, the child can have trouble eating, speaking and with performing simple every day tasks.
The problems I encountered were: (1) obfuscation ensured lawyers were the only conduit into the system (the process is now easy to understand with all of the new services and interactive flowcharts); (2) most of my legal fees where for services that did not require a law degree; (3) the most expensive errors were legal errors and there was no reasonable recourse for recovery; (4) the court administration was unable to handle the volume; (5) simple but essential administrative tasks, like filing documents, required either half a day or $ 100 + for every single filing; (6) Security and privacy are completely ignored, unlike every other profession; (7) there is no incentive, nor is there a governing body to ensure the matter is handled in an ethical, humane, timely manner; (8) lawyers have a monopoly and charge more than the market can bear for personal litigation.
The gut check is a simple exercise in which the individual or individuals responsible for taking those day to day actions are asked on a scale of one to ten how committed they are to accomplishing those tasks on a daily basis, and for being governed by those principles necessary to do so, regardless of what else gets in the way.
It generally provides more detailed answers than Alexa, but in day - to - day use, it's not noticeably more capable at performing simple tasks — for example, the process to add events to your Google calendar is needlessly awkward.
Those are relatively simple tasks, but again, Google surely wants to start small, and avoid the pitfalls experienced by Samsung's Bixby service in its early days.
The Blu R1 HD is great for simple day - to - day tasks, but the cameras and lock screen advertising may deter some buyers.
It's still very, very early days, but the growing AI capabilities are bringing unparalleled convenience to simple, every day tasks like booking a restaurant, sending flowers, and making plans.
UK About Blog Clear Books is developed with the small business owner in mind and has a simple design to clearly guide users through day to day accounting and bookkeeping tasks.
All these years later, changing the date remains a relatively simple task that would have an immense symbolic impact in demonstrating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that the broader community wants a national day where all Australians can celebrate together.
UK About Blog Clear Books is developed with the small business owner in mind and has a simple design to clearly guide users through day to day accounting and bookkeeping tasks.
Making simple decisions can seem impossible, and once easy - to - complete tasks can go undone for days, weeks and months.
Unfortunately, as a result of day to day stressors, ineffective communication, learned defensive behaviors, and a simple lack of know - how, families can fail to accomplish this simple task for one another.
A simple productivity app, allows users to make lists and track schedules, ensuring you don't forget about that important task during the busy day.
I need a simple routine that is comforting, familiar and inspires my day (mixed in with a few routine tasks that must get done every day) so it is something I actually look forward to!
Reminds me of the other day when I thought I would do a «simple» task of changing the bulb in our outdoor lamp post — only to discover the the screws were stripped & I had no idea of how to get them out.
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