Sentences with phrase «simple decision»

Even young children can be involved in making simple decisions.
Even simple decisions like this makes the player feel like a genius.
I know what you mean — it's very frustrating to see others struggle when the struggles could be easily removed by simple decisions of the people involved.
However, this seemingly simple decision can get quite complicated.
Simple decisions become more and more difficult, as your mind keeps racing, making you feel as though your life is spinning out of control.
It's far more difficult to make mistakes when you simply make obvious, simple decisions based on valuation.
Instead, each member of the committee plays a critical role in the process that often extends beyond simple decision making into implementation and follow through.
Taking time to make a few simple decisions now will pay off for your finances and your relationship in the long run.
One simple decision caused the company to take a hit in the stock market and potentially cost millions in potential revenue.
Although simple decisions are better made after some thought, consciously thinking about complex problems may produce worse results than not thinking at all.
Simple decision theory tells us that's a good way to go.
Every day, you make simple decisions that — in reality — play a huge role in your content marketing and writing success.
By making a few simple decisions, you too can avoid paying interest on credit card purchases.
What sets this aspect of the game apart from others in the genre is that the decisions that you are asked to make aren't simple decisions but ones that could effect your physical well - being as well as that of someone else.
Read the article and brainstorm with students the following questions: What must a president keep in mind when making even simple decisions for the nation?
Tone can be tough to teach, so start with simple decisions like whether your firm has «clients» or «customers» and how your staff should speak when answering the phone.
allow each child to be part of discussions about simple decisions such as what to have for dinner.
We think about the two of us, making some very simple decisions about how to manage the life we share, and trying to balance our interests fairly so that both will be satisfied.
If he's interested, invite your child to help you make simple decisions about the baby's room or pick out furniture or supplies: «Where should we put the rocking chair?»
Simple decision rules underlie collaborative hunting in yellow saddle goatfish.
Daniels is a significant yet simple decision in terms of what it means for the federal government and the future of providing programs and services to Métis and non-status Indians.
Despite what our instincts would have us believe, the cognitive calculus behind even simple decisions is murky at best — and subject to external influence.
My «trinity» of beginning financial independence reading is The Richest Man In Babylon (almost like a children's story, 100 pages that are worth their weight in gold) Rich Dad, Poor Dad (an illustration of how simple decisions and the correct MINDSET can unleash your inner financial genius) and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
They can not be easily abolished or changed by simple decision of the country's government.
Purchasing eco-friendly cleaning products and setting the air conditioning a few degrees higher are much simpler decisions with minimal to no investment required.
The reason AOB's aren't happy, is because a lot of fans like myself love Arsenal FC, and we can clearly see that Wenger has not been delivering for such a long time, in fact the guy can't even make simple decisions despite being one of the highest paid managers in the world.
If that were actually the case, there wouldn't be a reason for a movie, so Sean's simple decision proves to have unforeseen consequences.
Often, apparently simple decisions can create unforeseen issues that, if not handled correctly, can prove difficult to resolve.»
Choosing whether the IconX 2018 headphones are the ones for you is a pretty simple decision.
Mundell's continued tenure as Scottish secretary was one of the more simple decisions for May, given that since the 2015 election he has been the only Tory MP in the country.
Relying on crowd wisdom to make simple decisions like which supplements to buy isn't as nonsensical as some people might think.
Due to their mental illness, animal hoarders find it difficult to make simple decisions such as discarding their possessions, which contributes to the clutter.
But the truth is, human beings often over-complicate very simple decisions.
In an activity — where we paired up to use our bodies to test the notion that when two masses pull away from one another, there is a point where the space between them loses its definition — the importance of Judd's seemingly simple decisions on placement became crystal clear.
Suddenly that oh - so - simple decision becomes a much tougher call.
It is complicated and packed with simple decisions.
In 2016 we set a New Years Resolution to lose weight but didn't realize just what difference one simple decision in our life would make.
Growing With Choices As your child grows and develops, the choices can expand beyond simple decisions to help encourage independence and reduce power struggles.
It would be a much simpler decision were he not the CEO of a financial services company which is eyeing crypto - investments after beginning to offer Bitcoin trading recently.
If he's interested, invite your child to help you make simple decisions about the baby's room or possibly pick out furniture or supplies: «Where should we put the blanket?»
By allowing students to make simple decisions, like which assignment to do first it will improve your chances of cooperation and give students a boost in their confidence.
So what if I told you that you could increase your market base and add to your annual profits just by making one simple decision?
Memory: Selecting memory for your PC is usually a simple decision: You just pick a reliable brand that's as cheap as possible (unless you like overclocking, but that's a whole different story).
Deciding whether to convert to a Roth IRA is not a simple decision.
Remember, it all started with a simple decision to stay back, a decision to be comfortable, but subtly, sin crept in his life.
If you love a church and have been part of building it up, leaving is never a simple decision.
No one thing did it, but Hungary's simple decision to allow people from East Germany to freely enter Hungary and then freely depart for West Germany pretty much blew apart the whole system.
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