Sentences with phrase «simple driving character»

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When we answer a few simple questions to let our friends and family know which Muppet character we're the most like or which car we'd drive if we had our pick, we're sharing a digital piece of our analog lives.
As you can imagine all of these little character driven stories revolve around the simple issues of sex, booze, relationships, having a good time and battling against the establishment.
In fact, the switch back to interactivity makes it doubly obvious how far the character has strayed from his simple, addictive, gameplay - driven roots.
These tasks were varied, sometimes simple, sometimes weird, and instead of driving the main story forward they gave the world more character.
The Blair Witch Project instead relies on its simple but creepy backstory in the setup to drive the characters» increasing anxiety and the audience's imagining of the worst.
The character and dialogue driven scenes were simple and effective while the lush, CGI heavy party scenes were explosive and over-the-top.
We found the Accord Sport to be both comfortable and fun to drive in a way Honda has long been known for — not with hit - you - over-the-head performance like an AMG or even the finely tuned poise of a Porsche but with the simple, honest character of a car designed and built well — and built to be used, however you plan to use it.
These tasks were varied, sometimes simple, sometimes weird, and instead of driving the main story forward they gave the world more character.
It's a simple start to what becomes an emotionally charged story, driven by who these characters are, rather than what they've been assigned to do.
It reminded me a lot of Papers, Please, which was another game that had incredibly simple gameplay and character - driven stories.
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