Sentences with phrase «simple effort»

You might continue with simple efforts like credit report disputes, but consider putting some of your more labor - intensive credit repair efforts on hold until you get a new job.
Make your girlfriend get surprised even with simple efforts every now and then.
The content must be plain and easy to comprehend in simple efforts.
Simple efforts like saying hello when you walk into the office in the morning can make a huge difference in the long run.
Nice, simple effort from United, who have just gone for Sir Alex Ferguson in a club hat, with a snowman either side of his rosy cheeks.
Indeed, the Arsenal defence was not at it's best in this game — particularly in the first half — and I felt we were lucky to get away with a clean sheet after both Roque Santa Cruz and Keith Andrews missed relatively simple efforts.
Simple efforts like greeting kids outside the classroom before the start of the day pay outsized dividends.
This event represented more than a simple effort to find consolation in a tragic event, more than the classic shift from lemons to lemonade.
Allowing him to steal home with not the simplest effort to deter him — Welp --» I am silly»... Dellin Betances.
Arsenal were therein playing catch - up in the second period, and a mistake from Hector Bellerin allowed Mohamed Salah to bag the third goal of the game after he ran 75 yards up the pitch to put a simple effort past Petr Cech.
Simple efforts that your kids can see and get involved with, like -LSB-...]
«It is a very narrow and simple effort to ensure that the message went out, that no way, never, would it be permitted to take eggs from aborted girl fetuses, fertilise them in the laboratory and inject them into a woman who wants a baby.»
@OsseoNiceThings and its response provide evidence as to how a simple effort can make a significant impact.
This highly collectible and coveted 2.7 Carrera Coupe has promising investment potential and is well worth the simple effort involved in getting it back on the road.
But it was a great learning exercise and the simple effort raised the quality level of my work.
Shopping for the best Term life insurance policy for your specific needs takes some simple effort and just a little strategy.
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