Sentences with phrase «simple game»

During these important years, toddlers will enjoy playing simple games with their parents and other caregivers.
For those of you who like simpler games with amazing art direction, here's a game for you.
Get together with friends in a virtual space to watch movies or play simple games like chess.
What appears at first glance to be a relatively simple game in the rock - paper - scissors sense ends up being extremely complex.
Why, they're trying to take a very simple game for very simple people and make it into a bloody science.
Using simple game mechanics and an even simpler control scheme the game is easy for newcomers to learn.
Moreover, this resource will be useful for simple gamers who are just learning about the release of new translations and versions of the good old console games.
Cause and effect is taught through such simple games as building a tower and watching it fall.
When you create games for learning, you must have established your educational structure if you want to set up your training as a professional training and not as simple games.
Control is a pretty simple game mode where there are certain points all over the map that can be claimed and controlled by one team.
Simply put, the boss battles go against everything the rest of the game teaches you and that's a big no - no in terms of simple game design.
While a fairly simple game, there are a few tricks and techniques players must master if they want to beat out the competition.
Play simple games where your baby can discover the «rules» of the game by your positive response.
It's one thing for a computer to beat us at chess, which is a relatively simple game, but when will one beat us consistently at poker?
Destiny 2 is a much simpler game than its predecessor, but that doesn't mean it's simple.
It sounds like a really simple game, but I can't emphasize enough just how enjoyable and rewarding it is.
It feels like a pretty simple game that might be developed in a short time.
It sounds simple enough, and at first it is — so simple the game doesn't even come with instructions.
It's not just a fancy tool that we built, (it is not) «look you can build simple games with it if you draw some wires».
At no point did the game feel boring or repetitive, despite the seemingly simple game mechanics.
Considering just how simple the game is, things are pretty deep as far as content.
The games manages to blend the fun simple game play of rhythm games, with fun shooting elements, and an aesthetic that will make even most discerning 80s fan happy.
Truth be told it's a rather simple game.
Another type of game us old folks used to play were simple handheld games that used a monochrome LCD display and extremely simple game mechanics.
It's a beautifully simple game that offers a good amount of content and tons of fun.
Very simple game control wise but they still manage to make this game a challenge.
The controls are simple the game requires little skill and the games don't last that long.
Nowadays even the less expensive laptops can come equipped with a decent graphics card that will handle simple games without a sweat.
This work is simple game changing and should be headline news!
None have come close to the purely simple game I fell in love with last E3.
I found it quite enjoyable for a cheap simple game.
I won't be too critical because the were dealing with a extremely simple game here.
Simple games work well; complex ones not so much.
It's a good system and adds depth to an otherwise simple game mode, and the fact that you can upgrade your engineering skills is brilliant.
I'm not happy at all that you have to have these overly simple games to appeal to the masses.
However, this description lacks to provide just how amazing and clever this somewhat simple game actually is.
Whatever happened to simple game names with simple premises?
There are a lot of ways simple game projects can quickly grow more complicated than planned.
About the game session We'll play a selection of simple games covering a variety of play styles.
Many puzzle games are played casually, that is, they are usually simple games with simple rules and do not take a lot of time commitment or skills to play.
We were initially approached to do a very small simple game but our team proposed doing a much bigger project.
They are all vastly simple games that don't take long to play.
Simple games like hiding treats around the house for your dog to hunt will also keep your dog's mind busy and satisfy his natural instincts!
How to Help: Play simple games with baby.
These can be long - term projects, or short and simple games designed for students to get to know each other better.
It is a very simple game play concept that worked well, but it is not really my style of game.
It gives you something to fight for, a motivation to keep going, and it adds an element of investment that can't be achieved by simple game mechanics alone.
In that sense, it's a really simple game.
A group of scientists stand in a circle for a seemingly simple game.
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