Sentences with phrase «simple icons»

Did fonts and simple icons help to meet this objective?
It's a pretty simple icon, looks like a watch face with a person on the left side.
Icons from service providers are lined up along the bottom this time with simple icons rather than boxes along the right side of the box, and more providers are listed as well.
Creating a Visual Birth Plan Creating a Visual Birth Plan using simple icons to represent your wishes can be a fun, creative and easy way to depict your preferences.
These are usually included as simple icons in the footer or header of your author website.
There's a new simple icon - based settings menu that lets you switch between Selfie mode, Camera mode, and HTC's cool - but - pointless Zoe mode, which makes a sort of hacky animated GIF out of your photos.
Basquiat likes simple icons and big gestures, but his icons and his gestures.
It is a fact that very few users regularly use voice commands and a testament to the relatively simple icon - based user interfaces of all mobile operating systems designed to cram as much functionality as possible into the home and subsequent screens.
Another good idea: Simple icons on the front of the package show shoppers how to use jackfruit, such as adding the meat swap to sandwiches, rice bowls and pizza.
It's also worth mentioning that HTC hasn't changed its icons: instead of the new simpler icons, it's stuck to the previous shapes.
Metro is a tile - based interface focused on being clean and simple, with simple icons and beautiful typography instead of the typical shadows and raised button interfaces that we're used to.
The dice have simple icons on each side which each dictate an action: pick another die, pick a chip, swipe a chip from your opponent, swipe a die from your opponent, give a die or a chip back.
Along the bottom of the home page are three simple icons, one each for accessing the user guide, changing the settings, and syncing to the Kobo library cloud.
Joining a lobby for the latter is simple, but there is no indication given whether a lobby is in session or not, which often results in a frustrating wait that the inclusion of a simple icon could prevent.
There's a simple icon pack you can download, with more packs on the way between now and the release of Rockman Classics Collection.
A simple icon system in the Learning Outcomes table identifies the specific skills, and are followed by all or part of the relevant outcome statement.
That means flatter, simpler icons and less text throughout the app.
Plus, their Live Tiles are simple icons on a black background — eschewing the colorful hues Microsoft normally uses with its Windows 8 apps.
Take the PlayStation app for example: while most stock apps are adopting flat and simple icons, this still has an overworked 3D effect.
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