Sentences with phrase «simple knowledge»

but also even simple knowledge of the Earth's only satellite.
any knowledgeable football fan should know Xhaka's foul wasn't a redcard offense, with simple knowledge of the rules.
It is true that simple knowledge of the Word is not enough.
Being conducted in two phases, this project will first convert the KF Modified schedule from a legacy print format into XML and then map the results to SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System), creating a dynamic data standard that can be published as linked data.
Even that simple knowledge changed perspectives, bound people together in a new way, and often altered our direction as a class.
This simple knowledge has revamped my day - to - day experience.
I should point out here that the word «know» often means more than just a simple knowledge of something.
The simple knowledge that the fetus exists alters the lives of the people whose existence it touches.
Christians on the other hand are able to acknowledge failures of Christiianity throughout history, by the simple knowledge that we are humans, we sin, and sin is harmful.
Finally, although an MD / PhD couple may face double the challenges, we find that the simple knowledge that you have a partner who understands helps to alleviate the weight of each challenge significantly (which, of course, holds true for most dual - career or dual - degree couples).
For goodness sake, this is the BBC and the writer hasn't the simplest knowledge of how to write.
I will spend a good hunk of the review talking about a number of the benefits and drawbacks of taking the 28 Day Detox and can try to supply you with at least a simple knowledge of the gains and unwanted effects.
The simple knowledge that your therapist has «done the work» themselves can create a sense of comfort and empathy.
Simple knowledge can not go sufficiently distant.
Doing so helps to make sure everyone is on the same page before you spend hours creating intricate scenarios, only to find out your Subject Matter Expert was picturing a simple knowledge check!
Use Google Maps to complete the worksheets Learning objectives include: • Ability to calculate distances in Google Maps • Able to load a database to Google Maps • Ability to insert Placemarker information in Google Maps • Ability to use creativity and imagination in developing a fantasy island • Ability to construct a map with all key features • Ability to locate information in Google Maps using coordinates • Ability to apply some simple knowledge of Excel.
One of the simplest knowledge retention techniques is to incorporate a quiz in your learning content.
Most pet dog owners know the basics of feeding, vaccinations, but even lack the simple knowledge of the benefits of sterilization hence the problem with back yard breeding and other health and behavioural issues...
Consensus is either a simple knowledge of extant issues or being on the same page, according to David D. Witt, Professor of Family Development.
The simple knowledge that one is becoming increasingly successful at his or her job after previously struggling is a great motivator in and of itself.
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