Sentences with phrase «simple majority vote»

But many parents find that they prefer to make decisions by consensus rather than by simple majority vote.
The decisions are made as usual - by consensus i.e. simple majority vote.
Would this government official and associated party leaders be justified in removing those Supreme Court Justices by simple majority votes in both houses of Congress rather than using the procedure spelled out in the Constitution?
He stated that those who voted for devolution of power would have won if simple majority vote had been adopted to determine the approval or rejection, saying 220 Reps voted for its approval.
on Washington: «Balance of Powers Restoration Act» introduced, statute would let legislature overturn state appellate courts by simple majority vote
It allows lawmakers to do so with a simple majority vote.
Under this process, which the GOP has used for its tax reform bill, a simple majority vote is required.
The two bickered earlier this week about the so - called «nuclear option» Reid is considering that would dramatically change Senate rules in confirming Cabinet appointees, shifting the approval process to a simple majority vote in the Seante.
Beyond the FCC, Republicans in Congress are looking to undo the regulation entirely through the Congressional Review Act, a mid-90s law that allows Congress to eliminate select rules from government agencies like the FCC with a simple majority vote.
The act gives Congress the power to undo «recently finalized» regulations with a simple majority vote in the House and Senate and then the president's signature.
You also need to determine the voting rights of the partners — normally a simple majority vote of the partners decides what happens and what doesn't, but you can agree that important decisions be made by a «supermajority» vote of two - thirds or more of the partnership percentages..
But Congress can easily wipe out a subset of Obama's agency rules using the 1996 Congressional Review Act, which allows the House and Senate to nullify any recently finalized federal regulation by a simple majority vote in both chambers — so long as the president agrees.
What's more, a deficit - increasing bill can rely on the reconciliation process — the process that allows a simple majority vote in the Senate — only if it does not raise deficits in years after the 10 - year budget window, which means the tax breaks here would have to be temporary.
Regulations imposed since June 13 can be invalidated on a simple majority vote of both GOP - led chambers and the president's signature.
There are several different forms of the Bible and the books that made it into the Bible were decided by a simple majority vote.
Instead it will have to act within sixty days of receiving the proposals, and a simple majority vote for or against is all that Congress is allowed.
A lot more could have been done if Republicans had allowed for a simple majority vote, but... Remember the words of Senate Minority Leader McConnell, [My number one goal is to make sure Obama is a one term President.]
Denominational leaders changed the wording in the resolution from «trial rite» to «provisional» rite, where a simple majority vote was needed.
The county has expressed interest in expediting the process and said that a simple majority vote was necessary for approval, he said.
They change cloture to a simply majority, which they can do with a simple majority vote.
According to the Supreme Court's ruling in United States v. Ballin (1892), Senate rules can be changed by a simple majority vote.
PRECEDENCE OF MOTIONS Despite this written requirement, the Senate's presiding officer could, on motion, declare a Senate rule unconstitutional, and that decision could be upheld by a simple majority vote.
Now, any Senate rule can be changed by a simple majority vote (actually, it always could but no one broke the rules that way).
U.S. Senate Republicans deployed the so - called «nuclear option» and changed longstanding rules to clear the way for the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to serve on the Supreme Court, bypassing a precedent - breaking Democratic filibuster by allowing the nomination to go forward on a simple majority vote.
The vote triggered a procedural tool known as reconcilliation, which allows the GOP to hold a simple majority vote on tax reform in the Senate.
Current Senate rules would allow the Republicans to repeal Obamacare with a simple majority vote.
The county appealed the decision and now, the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court, in a unanimous 4 - 0 vote, rejected the county's motion to affirm the simple majority vote of the legislature.
An override requires approval by 60 percent of those voting rather than a simple majority vote of 50 percent.
A simple majority vote in the House of Commons would not, in and of itself, change the law.
- If House Republicans do not make this agreement, however, we believe the Democratic Leadership has the moral obligation to allow this legislation to pass by a simple majority vote.
«(W) e believe the Democratic Leadership has the moral obligation to allow this legislation to pass by a simple majority vote,» King and Zimmerman wrote in a statement that appears in full after the jump.
The New York Times, Newsday, Mayor Bloomberg, union leaders and 9/11 victims organizations are all calling for a simple majority vote.
On the docket was a resolution to change the zoning ordinance in the neighborhood to allow retail usage, which is currently prohibited and would have required a simple majority vote by the town board to greenlight.
If a simple majority vote yes on convening a convention, delegates to a convention will be elected in November 2018 and the convention will convene in April 2019.
Each body would have to approve it by a simple majority vote.
Some lawmakers are now pushing for a congressional override, which would require a simple majority vote by both chambers and could target the 12 sections vetoed by the president individually (note: an earlier version of this post said 2/3 majority was required, but this is apparently in the case of an outright veto of the entire bill).
The Congressional Review Act circumvents all that by allowing a simple majority vote (it can't be filibustered) in both houses of Congress and the signature of the President to strike down recently implemented regulations.
In most states, a simple majority vote settles the issue.
The amendment passes if a simple majority votes «Yes.»
It would only require a fast - track election and a simple majority vote to change the status.
Federal legislation could correct this absurdity and permit shareholders to move the corporations they own to another state by a simple majority vote.
Washington: «Balance of Powers Restoration Act» introduced, statute would let legislature overturn state appellate courts by simple majority vote
Flake has reportedly lined up at least a dozen colleagues to help undo the rule under the Congressional Review Act, which allows Congress to roll back federal - agency regulations by a simple majority vote.
The resolution would roll back Thursday's repeal and restore the 2015 Net neutrality rules with a simple majority vote in the U.S. House and Senate.
It allows regulations passed in the final days of one administration to be rescinded with a simple majority vote in both chambers of Congress during the first 60 days of a new administration.
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