Sentences with phrase «simple modification of»

It is really a completely different approach to design, a simple modification of every - day things to make them serve multiple functions.
Along with jazz, Whitney alludes to West African drumming, and among its principles (as described by ethnomusicologist John Chernoff), is building new styles from simple modifications of existing patterns.

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The adviser showed her how she could monitor the financial performance of her newly autonomous vice-presidents by using a simple software modification.
If you're concerned about your anxiety, there are no shortage of solutions on offer, from drugs and behavior modification, to getting more exercise or even just learning simple deep breathing techniques.
The findings in these new fields of inquiry may possibly require important modifications in the scientific account of human thought, but not, as far as now appears, in the direction of re-establishing a simple body - soul duality.)
It is all a simple case of behavioral modification.
The mere change of properties in the sense of a simple modification [Verdnderung] without such consequences has no effect whatever on that suspension of becoming.
For though Darwin's particular theory of biological evolution was destined to undergo changes and modifications in the hands of successive biologists and zoologists (and with this we are not here concerned), there can be no going back to the simple Biblical picture of origins which was commonly held before Darwin.
All Christians and Jews, and that meant nearly all Europeans, accepted this simple view of origins as a matter of course until about a hundred years ago, and some Christians still cling firmly to it with varying modifications.
Easy and decent as is, really good with a few simple modifications: up the curry powder, add jalapeno or other heat if you like it spicy, and instead of tomatoes I like cubed sweet potato.
This is such a simple recipe, which often makes substitutions more difficult, but somehow this gluten free cornbread recipe is magic ✨ and can take all sorts of modifications in stride.
With baby - led weaning, your baby can eat the same thing as the rest of the family, with some simple modifications.
No need of any insert, just a very slight modification to the carrier that is incredibly simple.
ZSL, together with collaborators from Queen Mary University of London, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and University of Malaya, continues to work closely with Malaysian palm oil producers in determining if simple modifications to agricultural practices may bring some of the forest species back into areas planted with oil palm and allow them to survive and reproduce in plantations.
«This is a simple dietary modification that could be of substantial health benefit to people who consume sugary drinks daily and who are at increased risk of diabetes.»
Nestler: It's, to a first level of approximation, it's simple and straightforward, that there are a set number of modifications that could be made to the DNA itself or to the proteins that bind to DNA and control its structure, and activity and that those small number of modifications either turn a gene on or off.
«What is remarkable about our findings is that they show that a simple dietary modification of reducing the carbohydrate content of the meals can, within a day, protect against development of insulin resistance and block the path toward development of prediabetes while sustained intake of high carbohydrate diets as shown in the two mentioned studies lead to increased fasting insulin secretion and resistance.
Lashuel says that simple chemical modifications of normal HD protein can make it act like mutant protein - clumping together in «aggregates».
The results have significant public health implications as the increase of berry consumption is a relatively simple dietary modification for cognition protection in the elderly.
The same rules apply as with the standard plank, but this simple modification makes this one of the very best ab exercises.
Instead of throwing in the towel, simple modifications — like moving away from the anchor or offsetting the feet by putting one foot in front of the other — can make a huge difference.
A well - balanced sequence, simple variations of poses and modifications with props are provided to make the practice of yoga accessible to all.
With a couple of easy and simple modifications you can easily transition from summer to fall like a boss.
Over the past couple of years, it's rather simple to notice that there has been a tremendous amount of modifications which have occurred inside our society with regards to the topic of single Christian dating.
In the simplest terms, the support team will help a user without additional charges, if requested modifications do not require any direct involvement of programmers and designers, i.e., when no changes to the source code are needed.
It seems like some sort of checkpoint or save system that makes failure feel a little less brutal would be a simple modification, but even without it, the game just forces you to be careful with your decisions.
In simple terms, a 504 a set of recommended guidelines for modifications to help a student learn, while an IEP is a legal document that prescribes modifications to the way you teach and assess a student.
Many of us know and accept that our students are at different levels and have different needs, but we are understandably genuinely overwhelmed by the idea of differentiation, don't know where to begin, and may not realize that there are simple modifications that would make differentiation work.
Tires and wheels are one of the most favored modifications that car and truck owners make to their vehicles, since a single, relatively simple change can entirely alter the appearance and character of a vehicle.
Tires and wheels are also one of the most favored modifications that car and truck owners make to their vehicles, since a single, relatively simple change can entirely alter the appearance and character of a vehicle.
In this one - of - a-kind «resto - modification» the front grille was opened up and filled with simple horizontal bars; this treatment was repeated below in the front valence, which is also fitted with trim tabs and twin driving lights, the latter reminiscent of the 1967 Shelby.
With the electronic limiter removed, the S - Type R could reach 191 mph, and with simple supercharger pulley upgrades and ECU modifications, can be tuned to produce in excess of 500 bhp with a top speed in excess of 200 mph.
Dreamland offers some simple advice for improved sleep (basic behavior modification trumped sleeping pills in one study cited here), but the real fun is finding out how little we truly know about roughly one - third of our time on earth, and the wild and wide - ranging paths we've taken in search of answers.
With Electrowetting displays, the modification of the surface tension is used to obtain a simple optical switch by contracting a colored oil film through applying a voltage.
You can also see how simple it could potentially be to port an Android app to the PlayBook, which doesn't necessarily require any modification of your code; just repackage it using the BlackBerry Nature wrapper, and you're good to go.
A little bit of preparation can go a long way towards modifying your loan, and making the process of modification simpler for both you and the lender.
Shelters / Rescues / Foster Homes Increase the adoptability of fearful and reactive dogs in your behavior modification programs by using the simple tools provided in this DVD.
But most of these dogs can be helped with a simple program of identification and behavior modification.
The positive training and behavior modification techniques that we use are based on the science of how animals learn and have proven to be extremely effective — whether teaching your dog a simple behavior like sit or dealing with a serious behavior problem such as aggression.
It would be simple: The list would include the name and contact information for each approved organization, the types and breeds of animals they accept, and any resources they have available such as veterinary, rehabilitative or other care; care for special needs animals, training or behavior modification programs, or appropriate sanctuary or long term placement.
The crafting system is simple enough, you must have a blueprint, the weapon or group of weapons the blueprint calls for, and the items that are used for the modification.
They can do simple things such as increase the amount of Soul you get from hitting enemies or improve your attack range, as well as apply more complex modifications such as doubling your health but preventing you from healing or giving you a ranged attack while at full health.
With some simple modifications and a few hundred dollars, Greg's family of four has been using a dry (aka composting) toilet and gray water system he installed with the help of his teen daughters.
In its March 1974 edition, the magazine Car and Driver had a look at some simple DIY modifications that could be made to one of the economy cars of the time, the Ford Pinto (ack).
Using the wealth of information available on - line, teach yourself the little bit of C / C + + needed to make the very simple modifications to the code to parse out rural vs. urban station data so that you can generate separate rural and urban temperature results.
The idea is simple: residents can make choices about how they would like to «grow» some aspect of environmental control or modification within the created light structures, that are «easily dismantled and energetically self - sufficient».
A relocation often costs more (and is more disruptive to a firm) than a simple upgrade or modification of the existing space.
These are simple modifications that help you try to become healthier ahead of your paramedical exam.
Granted, build.prop tweaks are some of the simplest modifications one can do, but having this done for us while still in recovery is pretty convenient.
The nice thing about the Wii, however, is that it not only has a lot of great games behind it, but with a few easy modifications, it can be turned into a simple DVD player.
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