Sentences with phrase «simple molecules by»

So, animals can move, memorize, and have continuous control on their life coordinating many complex functioning behind the combustion of simple molecules by a complex metabolic system.

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First x object was created out of nothing, then combined with other things created out of nothing, then magically an atom, yhen a cell, a molecule, then bacteria, single cell creatures, followed by simple sea creatures with organs, then more advanced creatures, next red blooded mammals, then primates, and finally human.
Even a simple protein molecule is so rich in information that the entire history of the universe since the Big Bang wouldn't give you the time you would need to generate that molecule by chance.
When the complex protein molecule is dissociated from a three dimensional state to a simpler linear state, it is followed by spontaneous reassembly.
Now, the «smart» bandage developed by the team provides direct, noninvasive measurement of tissue oxygenation by combining three simple, compact and inexpensive components: a bright sensor molecule with a long phosphorescence lifetime and appropriate dynamic range; a bandage material compatible with the sensor molecule that conforms to the skin's surface to form an airtight seal; and an imaging device capable of capturing the oxygen - dependent signals from the bandage with high signal - to - noise ratio.
In principle, the wave function, denoted by Greek letter psi, can be used to reveal these energy levels for any given atom or molecule, although in practice this has only been done for the very simplest — the hydrogen atom and molecule (made of two hydrogen atoms bonded together).
To address this, scientists at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, led by chemist Jianghong Rao, have taken advantage of a naturally produced TB protein known as BlaC to create an efficient detection method that uses a simple fluorescent molecule.
One of the most important early applications will be to study the chemistry of small molecules or simple reactions, by using quantum computers to simulate the quantum mechanics of chemical systems.
However, the second approach yielded results more in line with experimental data for gases adsorbed into carbon materials when equations are amended through simple corrections pertaining to energy levels, rather than by corrections related to the difference in the size of the various molecules involved.
And it's essential to understand how neurobiological processing conducted by molecules and cells and electrical signaling gets translated into behaviors, from simple bodily movements to complex social interactions.
The simplest molecule, resembling a dumbbell, is made up of two atoms connected by electromagnetic forces.
The chemical name for the plastic you see every day — from water bottles and grocery bags to household appliances — is polyethylene, a pliable material made by stringing together long chains of a simpler molecule called ethylene.
The Leiden physicists were able to explain these findings with a simple theory, in which the catalyst constructs the molecules step - by - step at the atomic steps on the cobalt surface.
Though benzonitrile is one of the simplest so - called aromatic molecules, it is in fact the largest molecule ever seen by radio astronomy.
The BGSU team showed that following ultraviolet excitation of geminal tribromides, including bromoform, what looks like simple fission of a carbon - bromine bond at first look is in fact isomerization (the process by which one molecule is transformed into another molecule with exactly the same atoms but in a different arrangement, and with different chemical properties) at fairly large distances via roaming of the molecular fragments.
But the enhanced instruments aboard NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are breaching that barrier in a critical way: by detecting extremely subtle differences in wavelengths of infrared light, enough to isolate the nature and quantities of simple organic molecules.
Since DMN - Tre only glows when it's gobbled up by TB or one of its close relatives, the molecule could offer a simpler, more reliable diagnosis, she says.
«Simple molecule could prevent, alleviate pre-diabetes: Pre-diabetes risk increased by coenzyme Q10 deficiency.»
In the traditional view of photosynthesis, the energy carried by photons streaming from the sun is transferred by bouncing from one chlorophyll molecule to the next, a process that ultimately builds simple carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide.
New research led by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) demonstrates a disease mechanism in type 1 diabetes (T1D) that can be targeted using simple, naturally occurring molecules to help prevent the disease.
There is something that flips a switch and it's usually not just one gene either, because most of these secondary compounds that make effective medicines are not just simple proteins that can be made by one gene; they are actually simpler molecules, but they have to be made by a whole pathway that has, you know, enzymes that are snipping here and adding on parts of the compound there, so that whole pathway has to get turned on and all these pathways can go in different directions.
The finding implies the fine spray of water vapor, icy particles and simple organic molecules Cassini has observed coming from fractures near the moon's south pole is being fed by this vast liquid water reservoir.
OpenSource diets were first used by biochemists and nutritional scientists in their first major, shared endeavor of delineating the limited list of required nutrients - the simplest list of chemicals and molecules required in the diet for life versus death.
In the GBT experiment, three aldehyde molecules were observed and appear to be related by simple hydrogen addition reactions, which probably occur on the surface of interstellar grains.
Laboratory experiments also demonstrate that atomic addition reactions — similar to those assumed to occur in interstellar clouds — play a role in synthesizing complex molecules by subjecting ices containing simpler molecules such as water, carbon dioxide, and methanol to ionizing radiation dosages.
The energy provided by the charged particles may have provided the boost needed for simple molecules to combine to form complex molecules such as DNA and RNA.
The system was previously studied by ALMA in 2012 and found to contain molecules of the simple sugar glycolaldehyde, another ingredient for life.
Because high - resolution structural studies of the human Nav1.7 channel are hindered by the molecules complexity, these researchers exploited a simpler bacterial Nav channel by fusing portions of human Nav1.7 (i.e. VSD4) onto it.
Now, two independent groups report having made the process even simpler, by soaking fibroblasts in combinations of small molecules, thereby obviating the need to tinker with gene expression to turn the cells into neurons.
They can state «no sugar» or «low sugar» on the nutrition label because maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate, but it will impact blood sugar more than table sugar (table sugar is sucrose, which, by the way, is not a simple sugar — it is two molecules, glucose and fructose, bonded together).
Unlike bound forms, which have been completely inactivated, conjugated steroids, which have combined with simple molecules — glucuronic acid or sulfates in Phase II liver conjugation — can be activated by glucuronidases and sulfatases.
Complex sugars consumed by the organism can be broken down into simpler sugar molecules called monosaccharides such as glucose.
High - glycemic carbs are mostly simple carbohydrates that digest rapidly and create a quick hike in the blood glucose levels, followed by a hike of insulin to pack those glucose molecules into the fat cells.
But the study found only the fish oil influenced HLD cholesterol by altering the production catabolism rate of HDL apolipoproteins (catabolism is the breakdown of complex molecules metabolically into simpler ones).
A high flux of fructose to the liver, the main organ capable of metabolizing this simple carbohydrate, perturbs glucose metabolism and glucose uptake pathways, and leads to a significantly enhanced rate of de novo lipogenesis and triglyceride (TG) synthesis, driven by the high flux of glycerol and acyl portions of TG molecules from fructose catabolism.
Correction 2: Tearaway Unfolded was developed by Media Molecule in conjunction with Tarsier Studios, and is more than a simple port of the original Vita game.
At this point, very simple physics takes over, and you are pretty much doomed, by what scientists refer to as the «radiative» properties of carbon dioxide molecules (which trap infrared heat radiation that would otherwise escape to space), to have a warming planet.
«''»»» JT says: May 7, 2011 at 8:34 pm Ira, the basic bookkeeping of the simplest greenhouse calculations assumes that the re-emission of infra - red radiation by the greenhouse gas molecules is spatially symmetrical.
Since the radiative properties of the CO2 molecule are simpler than those for the H20 molecule, we infer that the line - by - line codes and RRTM should perform accurate calculations for an atmosphere with doubled CO2.
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