Sentences with phrase «simple organic molecules»

Another instrument will fingerprint simple organic molecules from the underground ocean.
But the enhanced instruments aboard NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are breaching that barrier in a critical way: by detecting extremely subtle differences in wavelengths of infrared light, enough to isolate the nature and quantities of simple organic molecules.
«We've only found simple organic molecules so far,» says Ashwin Vasavada, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory who leads Curiosity's science team.
A significant number of the dust particles in dark nebulae have coats of frozen water, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and other simple organic molecules.
«Most single - molecule transport investigations have been performed on simple organic molecules because they are easier to work with,» Venkataraman notes.
But it is dwarfed by the odds against forming even simple organic molecules by random chance alone.
This is the first time simple organic molecules and water have been found lurking around another star at Earth - like distances, the team reports.
As a chemist, Paul Dietze was an expert on the chemical transformations of certain simple organic molecules.
The finding implies the fine spray of water vapor, icy particles and simple organic molecules Cassini has observed coming from fractures near the moon's south pole is being fed by this vast liquid water reservoir.
Although Foresight's initial focus on molecular engineering paths to molecular nanotechnology was on protein engineering, it was soon (1987) realized that relatively simple organic molecules could perform functions like those of natural proteins.
The standard picture has RNA condensing from a soup of simpler organic molecules.
Two simple organic molecules that share similar attributes: they produce a high, and they are highly addictive.
Since methane is the simplest organic molecule, other more complex organic molecules would probably suffer the same fate, they argue.
It is proof that simple organic molecules can be synthesised in nature without living organisms being present.
Studies of life in hydrothermal vents and of the chemistry of hydrothermal vents have provided no information about the evolution of RNA and DNA and of their nucleotides from inorganic and simple organic molecules.
«Borates are one possible bridge from simple organic molecules to RNA.
In 1828, F. Wöhler had reported the first chemical synthesis of a simple organic molecule (urea) from inorganic starting materials (silver cyanate and ammonium chloride).
Dr Larrosa added: «We have found that for a significant amount of processes, silver can be replaced with a simple organic molecule.
Simple organic molecules would suffice.]
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