Sentences with phrase «simple organisms»

His studies focus on the fundamental mechanisms of aging in simple organisms and mice and on how they can be translated to humans.
It may also raise questions as to the learning capacities of other extremely simple organisms such as viruses and bacteria.
In even simple organisms like bacteria, however, researchers have observed a distinct molecular traffic flow to reduce head - on collisions between enzymes engaged in different tasks.
This means that its components and functions are similar in diverse species from simple organisms like fruit flies to mice and even humans.
It also offers an opportunity to study learning types in other very simple organisms, such as viruses or bacteria.
Because simpler organisms can be manipulated genetically, it's easier to move from networks on a computer screen to real solutions.
Once we understand exactly what aspects of an organism benefit from these states, we may be able to provide a meaningful answer to the question of whether simple organisms sleep.
It's a ladder of progress with simple organisms at the bottom and humans at the top.
How did simple organisms like yeast and worms evolve into ones as complex as birds and mammals?
When I was a student, I became interested in microbes because they were presented to me as these very interesting yet simple organisms, which scientists could isolate to understand how they worked.
Even engineering supposedly simple organisms could have major ecological and health effects.
In the meantime, clues as to how best to solve these problems are emerging thick and fast from studies of the genomes of simple organisms such as the nematode.
Brains, even of relatively simple organisms like fruit flies, are teeming with a huge variety of nerve cells that can behave differently depending on their connections, task and even time of day.
New research presented at the European Planetary Science Congress at UCL aims to answer the final question, of whether entry and impact is survivable for simple organisms.
«There is so much we can learn by studying simple organisms
They found simple organisms known as prokaryotes in every sample.
«The genomes of even simple organisms such as the fruit fly contain 120 million letters worth of DNA, much of which has yet to be decoded because the cues its provides have been too subtle for existing tools to pick up,» says coauthor Richard Mann, a biochemist at Columbia University in a statement.
And a rock (planet earth) just so happened to land in the spot it is in within the solar system to get the proper environment (light, heat, water, atmosphere) to grow simple organisms that eventually became what we see in the world around us?
This situation (along with other problems I am passing over) explains why many scientists would dearly love to confirm the existence of natural mechanisms that can produce basically new forms of life from earlier and simpler organisms without going through all the hypothetical intermediate steps that classical Darwinism requires.
Microbial geneticists Paul Rainey and Michael Travisano of Oxford University wanted to examine diversification in simpler organisms within the confines of the lab.
That might not sound like much but populations of many simple organisms can number in the trillions, with new generations appearing every hour or less.
To trace the molecular basis of memory, Kandel was using the sea slug Aplysia, a neurologically simple organism that contains only perhaps 20,000 neurons, many of them quite large.
Several previously reported genes from simpler organisms code for proteins that oscillate in abundance.
Social amoebae are thus capable of solving complex nutritional challenges, quite a surprising feat for a very simple organism lacking a centralizing system.
Life on Earth likely emerged in the deep ocean, where simple organisms fed off toxic gas from volcanic vents.
In several simpler organisms, this key process is carried out by group II introns, enzymes entirely made up of RNA (different from the true protein enzymes) called ribozymes that are able to self - cleave by removing themselves from the mRNA filament and thereby promoting RNA maturation.
The cyber moth joins the esteemed ranks of simple organisms hitched to robots, including slime mold, a detached eel brain and the cockroach.
Some of the largest known viruses infect simple organisms such as amoebas and simple marine algae.
Antibiotics and other modern medicines do not work on viruses because these radically simple organisms infiltrate cells and hijack their processes to serve their own purposes.
Winston covers all the bases, from Lamarck «s notions on the origins of simple organisms through to the intricacies of genetics, and he also touches on speciation, shrinking biodiversity, genetic drift, even the ethics of selecting «desirable» traits in your children.
Rao's team next tested how these variant forms of NHE9 would affect a relatively simple organism often used in genetic studies: yeast.
In the comparatively simple organism fission yeast, a cellular phenomenon known as RNA interference (RNAi) plays an essential role in assembling heterochromatin, which keeps the compressed DNA in an inactive or «silent» state.
With only 302 neurons to humans» almost 100 billion, C. elegans is a vastly simpler organism but its basic neurological circuitry has many similarities to ours.
Technologies to visualize neurons in live subjects — as well as process such gargantuan volumes of data — do not yet exist, so only post-mortem studies in simpler organisms are even presently imaginable.
One of the sharpest critics of Cuvier's theory of cataclysms was Jean - Baptiste Lamarck (1744 to 1829), who was convinced that all living things had originated from simple organisms, and were therefore related to each other.
«Viruses are relatively simple organisms — often they only have about 10 - 20 genes — but they wreak havoc on our system by targeting key proteins and essential functional pathways in every major biological process.
Just as a mountain climber can not jump to the top of the Matterhorn, a (relatively) simple organism like a bacterium can not even conceivably become a complex plant or animal except in very gradual stages.
Previously, we thought that fresh water on early Mars was a lot less reliable, drying up every few hundred years, which would've made it very hard for simple organisms to establish a beachhead.
Scientists knew that fruit flies, cockroaches, and other simple organisms have sensory processors that resemble a cortex, but these were «always interpreted as a striking example of convergent evolution of unrelated structures,» says molecular biologist Raju Tomer, who led the study at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Germany.
For instance, in simple organisms such as yeast, when genetic material becomes damaged, the affected DNA strands increase their motion, waving about inside the cell like a sail unfurled.
In relation to the natural world, they have led to depreciation of simpler organisms and preoccupation with the latest and most complex products of the evolutionary process.
No there is a mountain of evidence for evolution: geographic distribution, tree of life, simpler organisms are older, inheritance, DNA, etc. and no evidence for creationism — unless you've seen a woman created from the rib of a man.
You just have to start with simpler organisms.
We hold that most ordinary things are organic unities for Whitehead, including occasions, elementary particles, molecules, simple organisms and complex organisms.
The problem is how to explain the stability and reproduction of even the simplest organism in space and time in terms of the organization of the structure itself.
In such cases of the simplest organisms, they may respond sympathetically to (or feel) their nearest equal neighbors in a community - like relationship.
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