Sentences with phrase «simple principle»

But one way or another, he has communicated a few simple principles to employees.
If the world was always linear or predictable from simple principles, waves in the ocean would keep growing for ever, even when close to shore.
The gameplay mechanics are based on very simple principles and lack any violence, making the game a good title for casual players.
But if you want to learn how to feel better about marketing, I suggest you check out my post on The 3 Simple Principles Behind an Author Platform.
The questions on the test portray simple principles which involve reasoning instead of something that requires specialized training or knowledge.
This calculator applies two simple principles for getting out of debt more quickly.
And I strongly believe that anyone can achieve the same amount of success as I have if s / he will apply some fairly simple principles into their investment strategies.
The above tips reflect simple principles that can be quite involved and complicated in applying to your individual situation.
The good news is that they're all simple principles every website should follow.
What we offer you are several simple principles, which combined together provide you a solid base for stable fat loss.
So what I'm going to say, oddly enough, reduces to a couple of rather simple principles, which could avoid a great deal of liability nightmare around the world.
The good news is that if you follow a few simple principles, staying in shape while traveling isn't nearly as hard as most people think.
These units typically sell for thousands of dollars, despite the fact that they operate on a very simple principle that has been employed in chemistry since the 1800s.
This design and how the Shapa scale works are based on simple principles from the research of co-creator Dan Ariely.
There is literally no limit to how far and wide the ideation process can go, but with a few simple principles in place, most companies can transform traditional group - think, eye - rolling meetings into innovative, genuine and honest sessions.
Venus Wafers Inc. founder Napoleon Barmakian established the company in 1931 with a few simple principles learned from his Armenian heritage: fair trading and great - tasting and nutritious products.
This trio of spirited, pragmatic books exemplify the deceptively simple principle that less is more.
It is a pretty simple principle,» Mr. Moore explained.
Karl Barth has proposed an amazingly simple principle of Christian politics.
I teach 3 really simple principles to get this right: Organic, raw, alkaline.
I thought much of what she had to say was commons sense, but she organized the common sense and offered simple principles that could be useful to anyone, even an unhappy person, who wanted to improve his or her outlook.
This simply means embracing investing strategies that are predicated upon simple principles of business.
Nature is not based on equality but simple and sincere goal toward what need to be achieved reaching a balance with nature functioning without spoiling simple principles in the underlying of our fundamentals.
Like constitutions, these apparently simple Principles are open to interpretation and subject to debate, as I was to learn as over the course of the next four weeks.
In simple principles at the heart of chaotic systems there are regime changes that are completely deterministic but seemingly random shifts in means and variance.
We followed a few simple principles while developing the solution, which included keeping the user experience centered within the Office tools where our attorneys spend their time, providing access without installing additional software on the desktop and ensuring all content is available and accessible anywhere, on any device and at any time through Office 365.
And so we try to distill that down into simple principles as a guiding light for who the Google Assistant would be,» he said.
The best diet you can go on is one that is full of whole foods — and stick to the very simple principle of the 80/20 rule.
Simplistic reasoning, but most of my (usually successful) investing is based on simple principles.
The very simple principle of the Golden Rule, «Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,» was and is their guiding philosophy, and they extended this essential guide to life to the animals with whom we share the planet and especially to those with whom we share our homes.
You should also construct the design of your money management strategy on two simple principles which are a well - defined risk - to - reward ratio and accurate position sizing.
Maybe I enjoy the work because I keep one simple principle in mind: if marriage is going to work, it needs to become a contest to see which spouse is going to lose the most, and it needs to be a race that goes down to the wire.
Greer offers three simple principles for managers.
However, if Job is a story, then it is simply man's flawed illustration of a fairly simple principle.
The rickety carbon - neutral status of woody bioenergy has been sold to the public on a deceptively simple principle: Although a tree's carbon is released during combustion to produce energy, there are no net emissions because a new tree will absorb the resulting carbon dioxide.
Below, is verbatim from Goodreads: important note regarding reviews Since our inception, Goodreads has lived by a few simple principles with our reviews.
The media operate on a simple principle.
According to Walk, just about any business can benefit from applying the simple principle behind Page's approach: ask what would you have to do differently if you were trying to improve by ten times instead of by ten percent.
So the next time you head to the gym, keep in mind the simple principle that it is always best to combine eating healthy portions with exercise to meet your fitness goals.
It's a simple principle, and one almost universally acknowledged.
This may sound like a simple principle to apply, but true to form, economist can't agree on the meaning or measurement of «equal» and «similar economic circumstances».
Sales Focus Inc. was founded on a simple principle — Improve the revenue performance of our clients, quickly!
Contains sound investment advice and simple principles of investing from two of the most respected individuals in the investment world
«Here's a simple principle about principal: principal is secured by price.
These simple principles are the cornerstone of our success.
But most importantly he applied the simple principle Blundy had drilled into all his staff: the customer comes first, always.
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