Sentences with phrase «simple question about»

Answer a simple question about how you built the site — by hand - coding it, paying someone to do it for you, or using a content management system — and receive advice on how to fix errors or work with a developer to correct outstanding issues.
One way to do this is to find detailed job descriptions of positions you desire and go over them line by line to answer this simple question about each statement; «Give me an example of...»
Whilst on the surface this looks like a simple question about your aspirations, what the employer is actually trying to gauge is how much you really want the role — and why you feel their company is right for you.
Some insurers are now also treating an inquiry — such as where you call in and ask a simple question about if some event in your life is covered — as something they slap on your C.L.U.E. report!
Even a simple question about your case is designed to get information that can be used against you.
However, I have a simple question about this bill and the new requirement it imposes on employers.
Witness this prosecutor in the OJ Simpson trial answering a simple question about why something should be continued:
If you can't even answer a simple question about the technology you are using, you probably aren't meeting your professional obligations, either.
Such a tiny simple question about just that.
I simply asked a simple question about saturation (I should have known better) and got jumped on, which is typical of your website.
I was on a sailboat with a team of maverick researchers from the 5 Gyres Institute trying to answer a simple question about plastic pollution: «How much is out there?»
I think I posted — asked — a simple question about some detail or another on the hockey stick.
The latter indicates that while you claim to have a simple question about a simple feature of this topic, you've devoted enough study to have absorbed some misinformation from a bad source.
Together, they suggest a multiplicity of practices behind a simple question about art and science.
When you decide to buy a waterproof Kobo, the decision will go down to one simple question about the screen size: do I need a 7.8 - inch of Aura One, or is the 6.8 in Aura H2O enough for me?
A simple question about whether or not your book contains adult content — with that term clearly defined, including a list you can check to show what sort of content is included — like Smashwords currently has in place would help.
I'm too stupid, which is why I'm asking a really simple question about methodology: IF one wishes to make the change from DRM, how does one do it exactly?
My interview with Jake Johnson and Steve Berg started w / a simple question about the title of the film being related to a Pixies song.
Researchers have recently asked a very simple question about soybeans: what would happen in terms of nutrition if U.S. citizens replaced their current intake of meat and dairy products with soy?
Sorry, this comment devolved from a simple question about whether to take Align whilst treating with oregano oil or wait till after.
For example, I am patiently waiting for someone at the Guardian to address the serious misrepresentations of Oxburgh and Muir Russell made by Steve McIntyre at last week's panel discussions in the U.K. (Not to mention McIntyre's characterization of paleoclimatology as little more than «phrenology» or his inability to answer a simple question about attribution of current warming — and don't get me started on Fred Pearce).
But if you had asked me a simple question about the book's contents — What kind of animal is Wilbur?
From the simple question about decorating your nursery to the bigger questions about your baby's health, we have the answers to help you along the way.
you should have read the paragraph after paragraph that Russ posted in a previous story when confronted with the simple question about providing evidence outside of the bible for the supernatural claims made in the bible......
There's bipartisan agreement, the email says, that Comey «needs to answer a simple question about his conversations with President Trump: If you were so concerned, why didn't you act on it or notify Congress?»
There is so much more food allergy awareness and when I ask some simple questions about whether a product is nut - free and 99 % of food manufacturers share helpful answers so I can make an informed decision about what to share or not.
Children who are old enough to communicate with you can answer simple questions about whether or not they still enjoy co-sleeping.
All you do is sign up for an account, fill out your user profile by answering some simple questions about yourself, family, interests and home, then every Tuesday you get to select from a variety of samples to try out for free!
Teachers and students will submit video entries to demonstrate their exemplary efforts in the appreciation of wildlife conservancy and answer simple questions about why preserving wildlife is important.
No, the leaders will no longer have to emerge from meetings to a gaggle of pesky reporters trying to ask simple questions about how $ 140 billion in public money will be spent.
And he says he asks simple questions about every judgment he makes based on these lines.
The Tory candidate was unable to answer simple questions about local football teams, the locations of museums - and even the basic geography of the Underground.
You're also allowed to ask simple questions about cameras or lighting.
They also ask you a couple of simple questions about where you live, and the geographical area you're looking to find a match in.
Lara can operate in 12 languages, asking users simple questions about what they are looking for and what they are like.
There are some simple questions about yourself that you need to answer and that's it for registration.
You just need to answer some simple questions about yourself, post some photos and you'll then be ready to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right for you.
The site has some unique features that make it good and make divorced dating fun.The sign - up process is easy and involves answering a few simple questions about members so as to find the perfect match for them.
In one of the sections of the skit, though, «Spicer» introduces «Betsy DeVos» — portrayed by Kate McKinnon and also just today confirmed as President Trump's Secretary of Education — to answer some very simple questions about today's public schools which she, well, very simply could not answer.
In just 30 minutes, without the pressure of a high - stakes assessment, students answer 108 simple questions about themselves.
In just 30 minutes, students answer simple questions about themselves online and you receive reports immediately so you can begin to assist those who are at risk.
I had to beg someone to help me and he couldn't eve... n answer the simplest questions about the vehi le!
However, I believe anyone can learn to write about structures (from castles, to space stations, to huts) by asking themselves a few simple questions about how they want to use the building in the... Continue reading «Navigating Architectural Spaces in your Fiction: From Apse to Ziggurat:»
All you need to do is answer simple questions about your income and dependents.
You propose to enter into $ 200,000 value transactions, but have simple questions about how to enter the order?
We'll ask you simple questions about your income, fill in all the right tax forms, and handle the calculations.
When you purchase insurance, your insurer or agent will ask simple questions about you and your home, and then you'll have some options when picking coverages.
Keep in mind, when you use TurboTax to prepare your taxes, we will ask you simple questions about your education expenses and fill in all the right forms for you.
What they're really referring to is a meeting presided over by your trustee to ask you a few simple questions about your case.
Answer 10 simple questions about how you spend and save — and then see how to improve your financial future.
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