Sentences with phrase «simple questions»

There is so much more food allergy awareness and when I ask some simple questions about whether a product is nut - free and 99 % of food manufacturers share helpful answers so I can make an informed decision about what to share or not.
At Beyond Meat, we started with simple questions.
«Then Richard asked me some simple questions: «Are you doing the right thing?
The first step to planning your upcoming event at Windsor Court Hotel begins with a few simple questions.
Simple questions to ask your science teacher «were you there when these things happened?»
@Max if you don't know the answers to those SIMPLE questions already, no one will make you understand
My favorite of course is ask most mainstream christians some simple questions like, «So you believe that the earth was created in seven days», «so noah gathered every animal on earth and stuck them inside a small boat for 40 days without fresh water and food to feed everything and you think this actually happened?»
Reston suggested that there was great sympathy for the president throughout the country, but that the people «concentrate on the simple questions of right and wrong, and this is why Mr. Nixon is in such serious trouble.»
When we do get around to evaluating sex acts, we ask three simple questions, based upon 1 Corinthians 6:12 in the Bible: 1.
Maybe he's busy getting his beliefs strengthened as his local house of stupidity, errrr, worship... Maybe he's busy praying to his imaginary friend, asking it to stop those pesky atheists from asking simple questions he can't answer... Maybe he's huddling with the likes of Adelina, HeavenScent and the rest of that ilk on the ultimate proof of their god (s)... Maybe He's realized the only way not to look like an even bigger fool is to remain silent...
If you can't answer simple questions like this about your faith, it makes me think you're not actually a Christian but a troll who's trying to make Christians look like ranting lunatics.
I would say to anyone out there that claims they are not bigoted but merely taking a godly stand against what they believe to be sinful, If you want to honestly examine it, the next time you are going to say something to a homosexual, treat them a certain way, or argue that certain rights should be denied them, ask yourself a few simple questions.
The answer is extremely simple, the source of the problem very easy to identify, just ask these simple questions:
Two simple questions expose the differences between neighborhood regeneration and God's renewal: What is the problem and what is the solution?
The origins of metaphysics are in very simple questions.
Marvelous how simple some questions turn out to be.
I think herbie just ran away with his eyes closed and his ears covered, babbling some unintelligible anti-thinker mumbo - jumbo, maybe asking his god for help with refuting a couple of simple questions...
These are the three simple questions I would ask before I click enter:
But if I am right and no one can answer how he came to be, or answer many other simple questions that are based on the assumption there is no God how does anyone here have the arrogance to think that they know more than me or anyone else.
One of the things I see them and many other Christian people wrestling with is summarized in two simple questions: What's the right thing to do, and what's the wrong thing to do?
Perhaps we can best perceive it, Moltmann suggests, by turning to the simple questions children are most likely to ask.
So JFA will not answer simple questions abou his cult's beliefs because I am not an American but he feels free to comment (in error) on Canada.
These are 2 very simple questions that you keep being AFRAID to answer.
These are simple questions, and I ask them because Jon is correct when he said: «Donâ $ ™ t questions about freedom demand that we define it?»
I offer a few simple questions: — How can we possibly believe the words written in a book 2000 years ago; or 200 hundred years ago; should be taken with so absolute faith as to be blind to the inconsistencies.
Also if you believe that God chose Noah and his family because of his righteousness and told him to build a boat to save the world's future... Do you honestly think that GOD can't overcome these simple questions that you are throwing out?
All that to ask this simple questions:
A few simple questions will admirably work to this end.
Alliance Virtual Offices uses a live chat facility, as does Clarendon Business Centres — which they say handles everything from simple questions to meeting room bookings.
You can't put a price on your life, but this calculator will walk you through 3 simple questions to help determine how much money your loved ones will need at your death.
You need to ask the simple questions before you dive into the numbers...
Check the status of your retirement plan by answering six simple questions.
Why even answering simple questions quickly online using social media can improve customer satisfaction
However, many software programs — online or to install on your computer — are able to resolve very complex tax scenarios by asking a series of simple questions.
2016.06.22 Buying Travel Insurance just got easier with seven simple questions from RBC Insurance Long complicated travel medical questionnaires are taking a permanent holiday!
When they go home they are being asked simple questions: Did you know about the fraud?
Those two simple questions can make the world of difference.
The broker asked her some simple questions: When did she want to retire?
Here are 15 simple questions.
Clients shopping for SEO services can save themselves time, headache and money by asking the following simple questions:
I've found that the companies who do the best job at screening potential hires for cultural fit ask some variation of these four simple questions:
If you work in an industry where you share the same suppliers as your competitors, it could pay to ask them some simple questions.
Upside pulls this all together and packages it in a mobile app that is designed to quickly show business travelers what their flexibility is worth by answering a few simple questions.
Sellers have an incredible opportunity to learn from their losses by asking their buyers a series of simple questions, in an authentic manner, during the post-mortem process
By asking two such simple questions, a manager can discover how best to motivate his employees, persuade his customers, and support its shareholders.
Use these simple questions to determine how you can make travel more effective while also saving time and money.
This one says you just have to answer a few simple questions and will be «done before you know it!»
As one of our key employees, I want to informally pose some simple questions that can help me to understand the factors that cause you to enjoy and stay in your current role,» writes Sullivan.
When we answer a few simple questions to let our friends and family know which Muppet character we're the most like or which car we'd drive if we had our pick, we're sharing a digital piece of our analog lives.
There is a lot to be gained by taking a moment to review what we have typed and to ask ourselves a few simple questions.
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