Sentences with phrase «simple sounds»

The kind of complexity hidden within a «simple» correlation can not normally be communicated or understood in simple sound bites about cause and effect.
I couldn't get over how simple that sounds, so I did a bit more research into solar energy facts to find out why we aren't doing this, like, yesterday.
This is more than simple sound advice, it's almost sort of a philosophy.
Music toys may incorporate simple sounds or may come in the form of musical instruments or keyboards that play pieces of songs.
It's a fairly simple sounding game - helpless Japanese girl is isolated in a scary place with a violent past, haunted by ghosts, and must fight them off with a camera.
For a film that's effectively «about» silence, what we hear plays a powerful role, as simple sounds of a monk walking down a corridor or ringing a prayer bell — or even the sound of dripping water in a brother's cell — take on a resonance that will surely touch even the most nonspiritual among us.
Even simpler and more pleasurable is a barroom duet between Jackman and Efron, relying on the timing and rhythm of simple sound effects for its percussion and punctuation.
Some toys and play gyms even play sounds, from simple sounds to Mozart and Beethoven.
The baby is usually more active, has made emotional attachments with not just the parents but also other caretakers and can even make simple sounds like «baba.»
Professionally composed by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, this sound avoids recognizable «loops» common with simpler sounds found in competitive sound machines.
Sometimes, simple sounding questions have complex answers.
Maeve is a sophisticated name, that although simple sounding, has a meaning that truly stands out.
There's an alternative, however: a more simple Sound Test can be found on the Level Select menu we describe below.
Same can be said about the sound: not withstanding the music does a good job building up the tension, there are few and very simple sound effects that you almost feel like playing a real card game instead of a video game.
The mechanisms by which listening can be attempted through simple sound wave transmission are similarly reflected in the installation Switchboard (pavilion)(2014).
While that's a deceptively simple sounding step, there's an important reason for writing now rather than doing more formatting work.
5 x sound types - Adaptive Sound Control, Standard, Music, Bass Blast, Movie and simple sound EQ for treble, bass (both -5 / +5 dB) and subwoofer -LRB--15 / +6 dB).
The use of typography, animation, and simple sound effects or voice over can create an immersive experience.
You should see yourselves more than words, simple sounds that come from the throat.
It is a nice name for those who like the sweet and simple sounds.
Parents can't seem to get enough of the sweet and simple sounds, and Ava is absolutely perfect for that.
For soldiers deployed overseas during the holidays, sometimes the simple sound of home can bring the spirit to wherever they are.
To start with, the Telenoid will be trained to mimic the movements and simple sounds made by a human singer, as well as associate parts of music with different emotional states.
Generally, (there are many exceptions and there are no simple sound bites) vegan diets impair fertility, unless one has PCOS and needs to lose weight and lower androgen levels.
The commitment to being a better mover with a focus on functional hip mobility and hip strength, rather than on simply performing movements with more weight or more reps is another one of those simple sounding, yet profoundly challenging, tasks.
«Ohm» is the chant of choice for many yoga enthusiasts, but your personal chant can be any simple sound, word or phrase.
A simple sound machine can make a big difference.
Simple sounding, difficult in execution.
Love how easy and simple these sound, yet they look so good I think I might just wan na forget about the turkey and load up on the carrots instead!
When you find a good pair of jeans, it makes you feel confident and excited to pair looks with denim... simple it sounds, I know.
You feel comfortable talking with him through phone, and he simple sounds nice.
The evocative visuals are bolstered by powerful sound design, which uses hard cuts and even the simple sound of lapping water to unease the viewer.
No, not by any annoying whistles caused by leaks but by the simple sound of a silent vehicle's passage through the air mass, just as one is aware of movement in a sailplane.
Because of his extremely limited communication abilities - a small repertory of gestures and simple sounds — most people think he is disturbed.
Project Gamma adds sound to the comics experience — but it's not a single soundtrack, nor is it simple sound effects.
When one of the simple sounds are chosen the WiFi situation is not a factor.
They are however, born with an innate ability to read and interpret body language and respond to simple sounds.
You can hear the simple sounds that you missed all along as you try to focus on the surroundings and your inner self.
With a laser pointer in hand, you'll stay out of sight of guards, manoeuvre around contraptions that spell certain death, and at times use just the simple sound of your footsteps to get by when the lights go out.
Simple it sounds, yes.
It's a game I can give to my kids knowing they will enjoy the hand drawn graphics and simple sound.
The classic, simple sounds of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) from the era of 8 - bit video game music are for many, including myself, very nostalgic and heartwarming.
Journey is a multiplayer game, but with only one form of communication, not words but one simple sound.
From the dark and eerie sounds that play while you're exploring, to the simple sound that happens when you hit a checkpoint.
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