Sentences with phrase «simple thought about»

Animals have to constantly adapt to a changing environment and thus «conscious mental imagery, explicit anticipation of likely outcomes and simple thoughts about them are likely to achieve better results than thoughtless reaction» (AT 41).
The precise function of this sort of art is to make us question our simple thoughts about what we see, what it means and how we value it.

Not exact matches

Unregulated digital entities, created by just about anyone out of nothing, that assume some value denominated in fiat currency simple because they're being traded between anonymous people or bots whose only desire is to make prices go up, on unregulated opaque exchanges where everyone thinks price manipulation is good as long as it pushes up the price....
As Vijay Chittoor, a marketing thought leader and the founder and CEO of Blueshift wrote:» «Marketing Automation 1.0» was all about reacting to simple «events» in a user's journey with a brand, with simple rules set up by marketers.
Forget so - called «brain training» programs, which science has recently largely discredited, and instead think about taking up a simple meditation practice.
Have you ever thought about the impact an Ellen Degeneres or LeBron James could get you with something as simple as a tweet promoting your brand to their millions of followers?
Charge them a monthly or quarterly fee and make it simple for everyone — they don't have to think about graffiti, and you just do your job.
However, despite his advocacy of nation - wide programs, Farrington has a simple message for Canadians thinking about their retirement security: «We hope that this ranking can be a rallying cry to employees to be saving as much as possible, as early as possible.»
It's simple but I do think about it a lot.
Without creatively thinking about the simplest, sleekest way to create products for consumers, Apple would have never been born.
At its simplest point, this habit is just about thinking before acting — and having a plan.
Using a GIF on Twitter provides limitless options as a visual canvas — think about creating a micro-presentation, sharing a mini-screen recording or even a simple cartoon to complement your tweet's primary message.
For other entrepreneurs who recognize that they have a die - hard audience, think about creating unique and specialized products that they can proudly sport and identify with, even if it's something as simple as a sticker
The time to think about tax season isn't at the first of the year — it's all year long, and these five strategies can help any small business plan for a simpler tax season with fewer headaches.
The simplest way to think about it is, as consumers, each of us accesses things we need for our personal lives through the internet.
Although thinking about employee needs sounds simple, it's a task that's often overlooked.
When Ned Golterman first thought about what options were available for financing the expansion of Golterman & Sabo, his St. Louis - based building materials company, the solution seemed simple.
Think about it — how nice would it be to bypass a security area with a simple wave of your hand?
I can remember in the simpler times when we thought that clickbait headlines and listicles for losers were about as low as you could go in the corrupt competition for eyeballs.
As you might expect, the discussion started with what he called the «rule of three,» which is a simple way to think about the need to focus the scarce resources and bandwidth of the entrepreneur on the most critical and pressing issues.
I do think that it helps to ask yourself a simple question, multiple times a day: Is what I'm doing, or about to do, moving my business forward?
If you're an individual contemplating jumping to a start - up from academia or a big corporation, the takeaway is probably simpler but scarier — you need to think really carefully about whether you can handle the kind of environment where there is no pre-scripted path to success.
I spend a lot of time thinking about new and simpler ways to do things, but don't have enough time to execute on all those ideas.
He also built a simple, text - based program called «Course Match» that allowed students to see who was taking which course and who was thinking about taking which course.
Much of what we think of as simple good fortune can be explained if we look hard, so forget about a lucky horseshoe and study what «luckier» people do.
«We just make it as simple as possible to get a toothbrush and you don't even have to think about it,» Triato said.
As you think about your business and consider the challenge to build brand, generate buzz and stay on the radar as a small business owner with limited time and a limited budget, there are some very simple lessons to learn here:
Often we spend so much time thinking about our business, that we overlook the simple, almost painfully obvious things that can help our business grow.
To find out how startup leaders think about building companies that they themselves enjoy working in, we surveyed the founders of some of the most innovative startups out there to ask them one simple question:
When it comes to SMS marketing, keep it simple and don't make your audience think too hard about what you're saying or what you want from them.
3 But if you subscribe to the simple activist - shareholder model, in which activists (1) identify underperforming companies, (2) buy up those companies» (cheap) stock, (3) push the companies to improve, and then (4) reap (a portion of) the rewards of that improvement, what do you think about this development?
«And in example after example, radical notion after radical notion, Jay and Shel don't just make the assertion about something that challenges everything we thought we knew about marketing — they give readers chapter - and - verse examples that make the case for one simple concept after another that... well, could just revolutionize everything.
Simple math would have solved that but people rarely do the calculations or think about it.
This makes everything very simple as we have less accounts to think about.
Depending on the scale of your business, your digital marketing strategy might involve multiple goals and a lot of moving parts, but coming back to this simple way of thinking about strategy can help you stay focused on meeting those objectives.
The simplest way to think about carried interest is as a performance fee.
While thinking about what to write, I suddenly had a moment of clarity as I stomped the snowy pavements of NYC, I want to dedicate my editor's letter to the pages I'm reading because they sum up in the most simple and logical way why we as a generation are mentally suffering more than ever before and how life could be infinitely more fun with a small mindset shift.
By starting to think about your brand at the very beginning and implementing some of these simple tips, hopefully it won't be long before you create a solid, recognisable business brand to your customers — increasing sales and growing loyalty.
The basic IT employment paradigm is a pretty simple formula, when you think about it.
If for whatever reason you're antsy about owning foreign shares or you just like to keep it simple by sticking to domestic equities, I don't think going with a USA - all - the - way portfolio is going to interfere with you achieving your goals.
A lot of them are actually common sense when you think about it, but the reality is that business owners tend to forget about the most simple things when in the heat of running day to day operations.
The theory behind it is simple: If Facebook has experimented on its users to find new and exciting ways to get us to use it in the way they'd prefer, we should also feel free to experiment on Facebook, and see if those experiments change how we think about what we share with one of the biggest repositories of human data in history.
The principle is so simple and yet so many people think only about customers and not competitors as well.
Anything thoughts about that would be interesting but specifically re the book a very simple question, on page 97 he gives some key withdrawal rate definitions but not the definition of inflation adjusted withdrawal rate.
It's a very simple concept but a highly counter-intutive one and one that will someday soon change how we all think about stock investing.
If you job offers a SIMPLE IRA, you'll want to think about whether you should make contributions to a SIMPLE IRA or your own Traditional or Roth IRA.
Thinking about life as a series of «dropping outs» and «dropping ins» rather than a simple linear path.
«A simple way to think about PokitDok is to picture the operating system on Apple's iPhone.
The concept of paying yourself first is simple and makes a lot of sense if you think about it.
Think about it this way, jesus was our david coperfield of today... a simple magician.
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