Sentences with phrase «simple word diet»

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We are a company and a mission: our goal is to make clean, simple products with as much of these nutrient - dense fats as we can in a great tasting and convenient form while spreading the word that ancestral fats are a critically important part of a balanced diet
The basic principles of good diets are so simple that I can summarize them in ten words: eat less, move more, eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Remember, Brad's main motivation is to spread the word about this one simple strategy that will free you from all the diet misinformation and finally deliver the body you deserve.
In other words, stick to a simple whole foods diet with plenty of vegetables (they nourish your good gut bacteria).
In other words, the misinterpreting of cause is the cause of the effect that is the LC diet phenomenon — along with the simpler amelioration left wholly unconsidered (because, with fingers raised to the sign of the cross: «STARCH!!!
In simple words, any drastic change in the diet or eating habits can cause stomach issues in pets.
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