Sentences with phrase «simpler than the alternatives»

A theory is never proven true; at best it is more useful, fruitful, comprehensive, and simple than alternative theories currently available.

Not exact matches

The SIMPLE 401 (k) is an alternative for companies that have fewer than 100 employees and wish to avoid the administrative burden of a standard 401 (k).
That's much larger than alternatives such as SIMPLE IRAs and ordinary individual retirement accounts, and for high - income individuals, it makes it hard to match what SEP IRAs can allow.
Subscribers have suggested an alternative approach for the «Simple Asset Class ETF Momentum Strategy» (SACEMS) designed to suppress trading by holding past winners until they fall further in the rankings than in the baseline specification.
Your belief in God is based on nothing more than a simple desire to believe a comforting narrative because the alternative is to believe harsh realities about your existence.
In other words, the choice which Life requires of our considered action is a great deal less complex than at first seemed to be the case; for it is reduced to a simple choice between the first and last stages of the successive alternatives which we have been able to define: the rejection of Being, which returns us to dust, or the acceptance of Being, which leads us, by way of socialization, to faith in a Supreme Unity — opposite directions along a single road.
Actually, if Kawhi is in NY because he wants to use acupuncture and alternative medicine, and not because he wants to use modern NY - based doctors, then he must believe that established modern sports - medicine is wrong, and not necessarily just the Spurs medical staff... if it's a simple case of the Spurs medical staff misdiagnosing, then why would he follow the acupuncture / alternative medicine approach rather than just following a different medical opinion?
I chose to give birth at home with midwives primarily because it seemed a lot simpler and less scary than my alternatives, so I in no way think I am more badass than any other mom because of how I birthed, or the fact that I am a biological mom at all.
In «From funding agencies to scientific agency: Collective allocation of science funding as an alternative to peer review,» the researchers proposed a funding model that they claim would be simpler, cheaper, and fairer than the traditional funding system, and more amenable to high - risk research and chance discovery.
PRISM's unique suitability for plutonium reuse means its design can be smaller and simpler, with fewer components than alternative technologies.
Endless shortcut foods exist that promise you a quick fix to a healthy body - but so many of them are actually worse for you than a more simple whole food alternative.
It is simpler than this: he is expected to tell the truth because at the Vicarage no alternative exists.
The goal is to achieve an alternative risk - return profile which is more attractive than a simple capitalization - weighted index such as the S&P 500.
The goal is to achieve an alternative risk - return profile, which is more attractive than a simple capitalization - weighted index such as the Russell 2000.
He advocates «policies that are simple, transparent, and focused rather than the increasingly popular alternative tactics, such as illiquid instruments and vehicles, leverage, and complex, opaque investment strategies.»
First the question: What causes gas in dogs?Unfortunately, there is not one simple answer as the reason can range from bad food to parasites to illness.To get to the, uh, bottom, of what's causing gas in your particular furry friend, you first need to look at the whole animal.Is the dog healthy and in good condition other than having gas?If your dog is not in good health, then a trip to your favorite veterinarian (preferably one who practices alternative medicine) is in order.If your dog is in good health, other than occasionally clearing the room, then it may be time to try a few simple natural remedies.
An example of a simple alternative would have been to title the article «Best Clay Cat Litter» or include the non-clay alternatives (I have no doubt that clay litters will clump better than non-clay litters).
One of the benefits to the Venture card is that it offers a much simpler alternative for using reward points than other cards.
Most people are green only when it is more convenient, cheaper, or faster than the alternatives, plain and simple.
This is much simpler than what Michael proposes as an alternative, if for no other reason that the emissivity is balanced by the absorption, which is not proportional to T ^ 4.
I walk away from purchases more often than I'd care to admit simply because I didn't bring that very simple zero waste alternative with me.
And here I agree with the critics, there is little if any evidence the models are better than much simpler alternatives and this has serious policy implications.
«A model result is skillful if it gives better predictions than a simpler alternative
This takes confidence, but in the end it sends a clearer, simpler message than the alternative.
In the simplest terms Alternative or Special Fee Arrangements are agreements between a law firm and a client to provide compensation to the firm based on a structure other than hourly billing.
While the Copyright Act was intended to permit statutory damages that are larger than the simple cost of the infringed works in order to make infringing a far less attractive alternative than legitimately purchasing the songs, surely damages that are more than one hundred times the cost of the works would serve as a sufficient deterrent...
Another alternative is to buy a guaranteed issue insurance plan, which is even simpler than a no exam plan.
Think of it as a simpler and far cheaper alternative to Apple's Face ID that can be enabled with additional camera software rather than requiring a brand new set of sensors.
As a simple betting platform, you may decide that the use of blockchain technology makes Augur a reasonable alternative to sports betting sites, given that it runs in a transparently fair manner with much lower fees than current online betting systems.
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