Sentences with phrase «simply cease»

We simply cease to function on a normal basis.
The lowly stage with its limited ability to create backgrounds and represent differences effectively between day and night would simply cease to draw crowds.
However, rather than comply with the new rules, some banks said they would simply cease trading with cryptocurrency exchanges altogether, according to the Korea Times.
And some apps may simply cease to exist.
Believe it or not, it's not uncommon for people to switch car insurance policies and simply cease to pay (or fail to cancel) their previous policy.
When the term expires, death benefits will simply cease.
The EU Treaties would simply cease to apply to their former territory.
Without their commitment, and their continued goodwill, the system would simply cease to function.
At some point, both could simply cease to be viable.
To make matters worse, there were various instances in which the sound effects would simply cease to exist in the middle of a race.
Those that can't or don't simply cease to exist.
The shares repurchased by the mutual fund are retired: they do not become treasury stock, nor may they be reissued; the shares simply cease to exist.
Had watched the boy's plane do a halfcartwheel into the sea and simply cease to exist.
I like that last one, since a person's biggest fear is that they will simply cease to exist, what could be scarier than a world in which people can simply blink out of existence?
If someone is taking synthetic progestin, in combination with synthetic estrogen, once they have begun using natural progesterone, simply cease the use of synthetic progestin at the end of its current 12 - day cycle of use.
These AMs can take on one of three possible fates: They too can be indeterminate, they can be determinate and poised to differentiate into a structure such as a leaf or a flower, or they can simply cease development.
Surely, we thought, once the transmission of information accelerates to light speed, and everyone knows everything the moment it happens, gossip will simply cease to exist.
And don't worry UKIP voters in South Wales will go back to voting Labour — that is if the party is still around or simply cease to vote.
Were such a road to be taken therefore, it is likely that such a move would be perceived as illegitimate and coercive by those on the periphery who, prevented from playing an equal part in EU decision making, may decide either to resign from the EU or may simply cease to regard it as relevant.
It is undeniable that indicators that never change become subject to gaming, cause output distortions, or simply cease to reflect the concept that they were originally designed to measure.
And about the Mexican cartels, they will simply cease to exist on the day the USA stops to import so much drugs for its youths.
When our brains cease to function (flat line), we simply cease to exist.
While my memories, thoughts, opinions, and att1tudes will simply cease to be, I will always be a part of the universe.
The are happy to know they will go to Heaven, but in a worse case senario, (by the Athiest belief) they would simply cease to exist at death.
Will the «unsaved» simply cease to exist or will they suffer eternal punishment?
We do not need a belief in hell (p148); those not associated with Jesus» altruistic death simply cease to exist once they die (p114).
Or as Whitehead persuasively argues, the world would simply cease to exist.
Those who are not in Christ will simply cease to exist — forever and eternally apart from God, forever and irrevocably amiss from their created purpose.
Without a culture we would simply cease to be human, and what our particular culture holds to be good, true, and beautiful are what we as humans by and large also find to be good, true and beautiful.
You will simply cease to exist.
To say that the civic project of American Christianity is at an end is not to say that it will simply cease, however.
You see God is merciful even in the end by allowing those who rejected Him to simply cease to exist, for sadly there are many who would rather cease to exist than exist in a world created by a loving God.
However, rather than comply with the new rules, some banks said they would simply cease trading with cryptocurrency exchanges altogether, according to the Korea Times.
And some apps may simply cease to exist.
A failed business may simply cease operations; with the owners and investors absorbing the losses (if any); a troubled business on the brink of going under may seek to merge with another company that has the resources to keep it afloat and out of bankruptcy; or a dying business may be bought up by another, stronger company, seeking to breathe new life into it or simply to acquire its assets.
You make certain choices in life and potentially (God's decision not mine) end up spending eternity is a very unpleasant place or simply ceasing to exist as some would argue but I subscribe to the former.
The former distance between God and his attendant elders, between the Pantocrator and his angels and elect, simply ceased to exist in Gothic art.
When the Father receives His Spirit back the Body succumbs to entropy, and the «Soul» simply CEASES TO EXIST.
If friendship is not reciprocated, it simply ceases to exist or, rather, it never existed in the first place.
Possible solutions I've come across include: they were buried by a rockslide, they turned into animals, they spontaneously combusted because of Victorian sexual repression, the rocks ate them, and finally that they simply ceased being.
On the fourth day in my care, the following items simply ceased functioning: cruise control, turn signals and all the things operated via those steering wheel - mounted buttons.
When their naively idealistic, but probably politically harmless son, Pato, is taken from their own home, the parents experience a defacement as efficient as Kaddish's chisel - Pato has simply ceased to exist.
Without it, the organism simply ceases to exist.
Life simply ceases without water.
We can't replace meat factories that call themselves farms with meat factories that have simply ceased to pretend.
This is an option where a going concern has simply ceased to trade but the person behind it is not bankrupt.

Not exact matches

«If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.»
Email will cease to simply be a medium for communication and evolve into a platform that helps brands deliver cross-channel experiences.
The interview / investment discussion ceases immediately and we begin talking about how to get rid of or even simply lower credit card debt in a timely manner.
That is true of those who are dying in hope of God's grace or thinking they are simply going to cease to exist.
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