Sentences with phrase «simply enjoy the food»

So rather than worrying about whether that plum pudding is going straight to your hips or the glass of bubbles will tip you over your allocated calorie count, you freed your mind of all that negativity and simply enjoyed your food and drinks mindfully with your nearest and dearest?
Gourmet carries additional connotations of one who simply enjoys food or coffee in great quantities.
With all menu items coming in at under 600 calories and 1,000 mg of sodium, LYFE Kitchen does the thinking for the consumer, allowing them to come in and simply enjoy the food.
Your baby, toddler or young child can simply enjoy the food straight from the pouch to their mouth.

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The artist ended his long fast by simply stating he could not find the food he enjoyed.
I'm a graduate student studying nutrition, and your blog has really helped me to revive my love for savoring and enjoying wholesome food instead of not - so - simply decoding its scientific composition on a regular basis.
Throughout the week I do a good job of eating a wide variety of food, so I've chosen to simply enjoy these phases.
Like most Spanish food, enjoy these grilled Spanish classics simply, with good crusty bread and a glass of Spanish wine.
However, there's a lot more to cooking with coconut oil than simply enjoying yourself and creating delicious foods.
Great Free - From Food is also just «Great Food» Great free - from and gluten - free food at its very best is simply great food which can be enjoyed by a broader range of people thanks to exclusion of unnecessary allergens and safeguards to ensure those do not sneak back in via cross contaminatFood is also just «Great Food» Great free - from and gluten - free food at its very best is simply great food which can be enjoyed by a broader range of people thanks to exclusion of unnecessary allergens and safeguards to ensure those do not sneak back in via cross contaminatFood» Great free - from and gluten - free food at its very best is simply great food which can be enjoyed by a broader range of people thanks to exclusion of unnecessary allergens and safeguards to ensure those do not sneak back in via cross contaminatfood at its very best is simply great food which can be enjoyed by a broader range of people thanks to exclusion of unnecessary allergens and safeguards to ensure those do not sneak back in via cross contaminatfood which can be enjoyed by a broader range of people thanks to exclusion of unnecessary allergens and safeguards to ensure those do not sneak back in via cross contamination.
Whether you will be cheering on your favorite team or will simply be enjoying the company of others (and perhaps the creative commercials and half time show), food and wine is an essential element for your gatherings.
Bay «s Kitchen have just launched a delicious range of stir - in cooking sauces made from the finest ingredients that are perfect for those who are following the low FODMAP diet, as well as those who simply enjoy good food.
Golubka is one of those brilliant sites that I can simply sit in front of, read, enjoy (and drool a bit) so imagine my excitement when Anya asked me to contribute to this space of «Food that takes love».
There is not a special children's food section, because since their daughter was on solid foods they have simply been feeding her whatever they might be enjoying.
While I was on an Amazing Race - like quest to eat at every notable barbecue spot within a 50 mile radius of Austin, people were simply eating lunch and enjoying a normal helping of food.
In the end, we simply want to enjoy good wine and food, all rolled up into one epic weekend.»
I wanted to make sure we had enough food on hand ahead of time so I could simply relax and enjoy all their company.
Those who start off enthusiastically and then lose interest simply enjoy the novelty of food more than those who start more slowly.
While we all enjoyed looking at the creative school lunches that J.M. packs for his little son Parker, we simply couldn't understand how a small child (I believe he's six or seven) was putting away the insane amount of food that J.M. provides.
There is such a rush these days to get children sleeping through the night, weaned off the breast, eating solid foods, potty trained, reading independently, and on and on, that we seem to have lost the ability to simply enjoy life as it happens and let our children do the same.
My family consumes lots of foods simply because we enjoy them.
He is very restless and I have to teach him to enjoy his food and simply eat his food, without going off the chair a zillion times!
Some things in the food world simply have no equal, when it comes to topping potatoes in various forms, enjoying pizza, or just eating straight pieces of cheese.
First, a healthier breakfast, followed by healthy prepared meals throughout the day, enjoyed a lot of water and fresh products instead of processed foods, and the pounds simply started to slip off of her body.
Enjoy the benefits of these testosterone - boosting foods by simply adding them into your diet where you can.
Whether you're deep in the throes of allergy season, are just looking to fortify your system for the next pollen onslaught, or simply want to start enjoying that one food again that seems to always cause irritation, making sure your gut health is in tiptop shape is the key to preventing over-the-top immune reactions.
Whatever approach you take, having food that's ready in the morning to simply pack into a couple containers for you and your family gives you more time to sleep, more time to enjoy your coffee and eggs, and more money in your pocket.
Most important, simply opting for higher quality choices of the foods your family already enjoys will make a big dent in their nutrient intake.
The point of what I'm saying is: tastes change and while you may be having some trouble right now with the food you are eating, it may simply be that you need to experiment to find dishes that you incredibly enjoy and that meets with your goals of lower fat..
Simply throw these simple, healthy ingredients into a food processor and enjoy deliciously rich, paleo - friendly brownies without the guilt.
Obviously some work environments may not provide such situations, but the best you can do is switch off from your work mentally for at least 20 - 30 minutes and simply focus on enjoying your food.
I still enjoy and evening meal, but I'm simply more conscious now of what good foods are and the quantities of the different food groups that I should be eating to maintain a certain physique.
There is no need to cut out perfectly nutritious modern foods like dairy, legumes, potatoes and non-gluten grains simply because cavemen could not enjoy them.
While changing the way you have eaten all your life can be daunting and a challenge I have found it really straight forward to stick to; there's no portion control or calorie counting it's simply finding the right food, eating it and enjoying it.
This is where you simply upgrade your favorite foods to the healthiest versions so you can always enjoy without the guilt.
Break the fallacious «food pyramid» chains and enjoy delicious, satisfying foods while losing weight without dieting — simply as a natural benefit of eating right.
Eating keto was a sustainable lifestyle change for me since I was simply eating food I enjoyed and did not feel deprived.
I also enjoy what the Japanese call Shinrin - yoku Forest Therapy also known as «forest bathing» or simply being out in nature, when I'm out foraging wild foods for a pie or our dinner.
Clinical trials have found that some chronic pain sufferers experience relief simply by enjoying this food.
This will help you to approach your eating habits not with the goal of simply losing weight, but with the aim of doing what's best for your body (namely, eating healthy, whole foods and engaging in physical activity that you truly enjoy).
If liquids and puréed foods are perhaps more tolerable for you, you may enjoy this pumpkin pie smoothie recipe provided by Dr. Greger from the arthritis topic page: «Simply blend a can of pumpkin purée, a handful of frozen cranberries and pitted dates, pumpkin pie spice to taste, a quarter - inch turmeric slice (or quarter - teaspoon of powder), and unsweetened soymilk to reach your preferred consistency».
Whereas popular weight loss advice like «watch what you eat» or «exercise more» requires constant discipline, with Eat Stop Eat you simply apply a small amount of restraint once or twice a week while you enjoy a flood of food - freedom the rest of the time...
Some folks are so stuck in their ways that they'd prefer to suffer through the constant, everyday hunger of traditional «dieting» rather than simply limit their hunger to just one or two times a week so they can enjoy food completely the rest of the time...
The people who had the umami extract in their food enjoyed their food more in the moment, but were less likely to eat later — it was not due to being unhappy with the taste, they simply consumed less food due to the contents of their meal.
Food» Hoping you enjoy my redic delic creamy truly healthy Simply Amazing SCD Avocado Dressing along with it's Ranch Dressing variations!
The evening is then yours to enjoy a nutritious dinner of beautiful fresh Thai food and juices, heading off to a night market, or simply relaxing in your room.
And I'm sure there's more minute differences that I can't think of right now that I enjoy in P3rd (like taking a bath in a hot spring to get stat boosts instead of eating food like other MH games, or having to unlock said status boosts by doing specific quests rather than having them handed to you freely simply for progressing through the game... or that felyne inside quests that you can give items to send back to your item box in your home to free up inventory space, making it possible to gather resources while still packing a full inventory for battle... or the fact you get a 4th page on your inventory specific for carves and gathering while in the quest... stuff that generally make the game more fun and convenient).
by a supervisor of the facility where he remained caged and on public view, he simply explained, «Because... because I couldn't find a food which I enjoyed.
As for why felines seem to go for carb - laden cat treats, the answer could be same as it is for people who simply enjoy their junk food.
However, a cat that suffers cat dental problems, like odorous and / or tartar - covered teeth, may not be easily trained simply because the animal can not enjoy the food rewards being offered.
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