Sentences with phrase «simply issue the policy»

They simply issue the policy to everyone who applies.
They simply issue you the policy without verifying anything about you.

Not exact matches

It's simply an insurance policy issued by a private company that lowers risk for the lender.
The Journal's is the countercultural viewpoint — that there are some things on which we should not have clear «policy,» that there are some issues that simply can not be «settled» by law.
In the Student Review, an alternative and unofficial school paper, Brooks poked fun at university policies, interviewed polygamists, wrote about gay issues and simply didn't shy away from matters most people were afraid to talk about.
For this reason, we have examined the issues of censorship, regulation, and the First Amendment protections from a perspective which asks what is right, just, and equitable, not simply what is currently legal or stablished public policy.
The only issues where he has declined to simply copy Corbyn's policies are on international ones, such as Trident.
Department of Correction Commissioner Joseph Ponte told the City Council Monday he had simply «misunderstood» the city's policy regarding the use of city - issued vehicles, two weeks after the Department of Investigation revealed Ponte and other top department officials had used the cars for personal use.
I believe he was simply using the death penalty as an illustrative example of a contentious public policy issue with a tenuous link to appropriations... the point being, to what degree does the Governor get to «make new law,» if you will, in budget bills?
In an interview with the World at One, Livermore welcomed the fact that McDonnell was trying to address the issue of economic credibility, but argued that simply copying a policy from 2015 was not enough.
I happen to disagree with him on european issues but this doesn't mean he's any less of Tory than me, and it most certainly doesn't make him a traitor simply because he spoke out about something in which he believes against official party policy... this makes him a man of principle!!
Other issues, such as getting a campus e-mail account or using interlibrary loan services, seem simple but often must be dealt with by postdoc offices simply because of gaps in policies or procedures.
Through the internships and other initiatives described below, the institute helps Rice students explore careers in public policy, or simply become better informed about important issues of the day.
In education the issue is not simply to change the policy, but also to change the practice - a tricky translation, particularly when the policy requires fundamental change in the behavior of both adults and children.
The first group was simply asked its opinion about a policy question, while the second (and often a third or fourth) group was given some additional piece of information, such as the president's position on the issue, a research finding, or a key fact.
Simply put, he said, the Great Society era «gave great influence in social policy to viewpoints that rejected the proposition that family structure might be a social issue
The lowest bar is simply and occasionally asking students what they think about school board policy - making issues.
Maybe, maybe... if you could hold other factors constant, such as the courses I teach, the number of students I teach, the curriculum, the technology and other resources, all the other teachers and all of their courses, the administrative policies, the school's schedule, school transportation, extra-curricular activities and field - trips that affect instructional time... if you haven't worked in a school, if you haven't administered the tests and watched the students» eyes glaze over as they go through a meaningless exercise with no consequences for them... then you simply do not understand this issue as well as you need to in order to make pronouncements about it.
Even today, school board policies typically treat all controversial issues as if they were maximally controversial, and teachers can find themselves out of work for simply doing their jobs.
Because of the vast academic requirements placed on schools, and teachers in particular, many educators feel like they simply don't have the time to involve students deeply in their own learning, let alone in the broader issues of their school — like climate, governance, or policy.
While insurance can't simply be offered at no cost, Effective Coverage issues an open invitation to the community to come together and buy a policy for Ms. Guillen.
Simply stated, the price you pay for your policy at the time it issues will remain unchanged.
Or, they simply do not want to devote time and energy to the issue and are unaware of policy actions.
His six years of research on climate issues was ignored by a bureaucracy that has absolutely no education on climate change simply because the policy was already decided, and no evidence was needed.
Interestingly, Hoerling immediately raises the climate policy issue (stating that mitigation efforts would not prevent extremes) and even denounces our Perspective as «policy - direct», even though we do not even mention policy — it is simply not the topic of our article, we exclusively discuss scientific questions and we point out at the outset that societal impacts and possible policy strategies are discussed in the SREX.
If the context behind the arguments is not included, the public just sees dispute, and can simply lump a science fight with those over abortion, gun rights, energy policy and other issues framed by ideology or values as much as (or more than) data.
Simply opening up electricity markets to competition would be far better than these hobbled - together policies of regulation, tax incentives, and renewable - friendly rate structures, but at least these standard - issue policies are designed around incentives rather than edicts.
Many Liberals are rightly dismayed that on this vital issue of climate change we are not simply without a policy, without any prospect of having a credible policy but we are now without integrity.
«It would be ironic indeed if the skeptical Trump Administration were to simply issue this alarmist report as federal policy on climate change science.
This policy document underlines that climate change can no longer be considered simply an environmental or developmental issue.
This is not the case, and it is simply an insurance policy that if things do go badly, certain issues have already been resolved between the parties.
Simply put, the panel butchered the decision on multiple fronts: (1) the freedom of expression issues related to 2 (b); (2) what constitutes a breach of the University of Windsor's Human Rights Policy; and, (3) finding that the three tweets directed at the student were uncivil rather than sexual harassment.
«The keys to successfully litigating these issues for policyholder counsel are: (i) focus on the policy language; (ii) think about what happens if the policyholder wins the liability case; (iii) considering the overwhelmingly common practice of carriers» funding the defense, argue that the burden of dispelling the expectation of coverage is on the carrier to negate defense coverage; and (iv) recognize that while the incurrence of defense costs can be a catastrophic exposure to the policyholder it can also be so for the carrier, meaning that the policyholder must sensitively respond to the equitable force of the insurer's arguments and not simply rely on «punish the drafter» arguments or what the Nabisco court characterized as» «mom and pop» grocery store argument [s]» (unless one has to).
Thus it considered that, in that context, the words «policies for the supply of housing» indicated the category of policies at issue: the word «for» simply indicating the purpose of the policies in question.
Simply introducing yourself and voicing your concerns about innocence - related policy issues, you can help establish useful relationships to help them see the value of supporting progressive legislation.
Whether you are dealing with a difficult member of staff, unsure how to handle a complaint, worried about absences from work, or simply want to check you have the right contracts and policies in protect, we are help to help you with all your employment law and HR issues.
The CJRB does not advocate positions on specific issues, we simply say that debates about public policy including social issues should be resolved democratically by the parliamentary process.
Simplified issue life insurance products are simply another name for a life insurance policy that requires no physical or medical exam.
It's also why we will typically recommend folks avoid applying for a simplified issue life insurance policy simply because these «types» of life insurance policies are often times more difficult to qualify for than a fully underwritten term or whole life insurance policy.
Free Online Life Quotes: Here, you simply enter the information that is required which is usually the amount of the benefits, your age, any particular health issue and other pertinent information and you will receive a free quote from the company for that particular policy.
If you are doing a simplified issue life insurance policy, the insurance companies will simply look at your past medical records and prescription records.
For these items, some insurance companies may simply issue a separate rider on your homeowner's or renter's policy, but in most cases, a separate policy is generally required.
Simply put, guaranteed issue life insurance is a life insurance policy that has no underwriting whatsoever.
We don't issue the policy, but simply act as an agent by referring the business to the company.
Simply stated, the price you pay for your policy at the time it issues will remain unchanged.
The SR22 form is, simply put, a form that is issued by your insurer, certifying that you are at least covered by the minimum coverage in your auto insurance policy.
Some policies cover fixing chips and cracks in the windshield and some don't, but all policies cover serious issues of glass breakage like smashed windows or a windshield that's too badly damaged to simply be repaired.
Simply put, burial insurance is a simplified issue whole life insurance policy.
At that point the policy is said to «endow» and the insurance company simply cancels the policy and issues a check to the policy owner.
If it turns out you have no health issues, simply replace the no exam policy with the fully underwritten coverage (if it is the better option).
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