Sentences with phrase «simply means you»

Richard, his answer simply means that a large number of people that vote for him won't vote for him if he doesn't stand by some form of creationism.
«Intersectionality simply means that there are lots of different parts to our womanhood,» Rutgers University professor Brittney Cooper said in Vox.
So dead simply means useless, lifeless, incapable of doing the things those who are alive are able to do.
Many would wonder why anyone would say anything negative about the missio dei, since it simply means the «mission of God.»
Not being cut out for the job is no failure — it simply means you have strengths in other areas like, say, naps, treats and playtime.
It simply means that something which reaches a perfection relative to the rest of reality in one moment of time can be further perfected at a future moment of time.
That does not equate to a «reduction in government», it simply means they want to restrain federal fiscal policy.
It simply means that the majority of people will be wrong.
It simply means bringing to bear upon a situation as much united power as can be organized, with the result that something is moved or inhibited outside the acting group.
How ever loud you scream it it simply means that you're begging your country to be a xtian country because losers like yourselves can't stand it as «not being one».
That doesn't mean that we judge others or condemn them to hell, that simply means we need to be watchful and look at peoples true intentions because often times their words can be lies.
Or maybe «all he had» simply means «I'll cherry pick the parts of the bible that work for me personally and gloss over the rest» as it does with every Christian.
The Greek Phase: ανοιχ τή ο δο ιτ, simply means, «what time did you get in last night?»
It simply means the child comes out.
Now, according to liberals, feminism simply means that you parrot liberal talking points.
Of course, the one exception is the word, «Atheism,» which simply means a lack of belief in theism.
The type of Belief dealt with in epistemology is to believe something, simply means any cognitive content held as true in spite of the absence of proof or even evidence.
Adam — which simply means «earth» — falls into a deep sleep while the Lord extracts a rib from his side with which to create Eve.
Separation of church and state simply means the government is not in support of, nor against, any particular religion unless an organization poses itself at opposition to the government or its citizens.
If by «realization» Whitehead also simply means in this passage «ingression,» then apparently sensa can be realized — can ingress — apart from patterned contrasts, If this is true, then Lango's case is made, and patterns and sensa are discriminable by their diverse capabilities for ingression.
but it does not mean they don't believe in an «afterlife»... being A-theist simply means we don't have any reason to believe in a God (s), that's all.
That simply means that you may choose to bow your head or not.
As the leaders of this mosque see it, segregating Muslim boys and girls simply means that young people arrive at the age of marriage without getting to know other Muslims of the opposite sex at all.
That said, it is the totality of meaning here that counts, and in today's vernacular, it simply means to know what you're talking about.
Just because a country has a majority doesn't make the belief system for that majority any more true, it simply means that enough fools have been fooled.
Also for a man to be shamed by having his head covered simply means that he should not emulate women.
This simply means that protecting children becomes a «way of life» for the Christian community, not something to be put back on the shelf once a policy has been adopted.
It simply means that the events are the reality.
It simply means «deciding.»
Anonymity does not mean hiding away in shame; it simply means «don't name other people; that's their business.»
His birth from Mary was not simply a means towards crucifixion.
He was also hewbrew which simply means to «cross over.»
The dialogues between the Churches are dialogues within community and not simply means of achieving community.»
Whenever the word «name» is used in Hebrew it simply means nature or character.
But since «to elect» simply means «to choose,» I believe we can take this passage as a key text on election and predestination, because the term «he chose us» is found in this verse.
«Prosperity in scripture simply means that our needs are met and that we have enough to give to other people.
Islam simply means submitting yourself in peace to the Absolute One and Living GOD:
This does not mean that choice is not involved per se, it simply means that choice is at the very least, a amalgamation of a great many things churning beneath the surface of one's life.
Many churches believe that meeting a spiritual need is of primary importance, and meeting a physical need is simply a means to meeting spiritual needs.
Do a word study of the Greek soteria and its cognates, and will see that it simply means «deliverance» without any inherent reference to deliverance from hell, entrance into heaven, forgiveness of sins, gaining eternal life, or any such idea.
To speak of a «hierarchy of truths» simply means that some of the truths the Catholic Church teaches are closer to the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ crucified and risen than are other truths the Church teaches.
Scripture simply means it is something written down.
This general overseer was at first called a «bishop,» which simply means «overseer.»
In their view, free will simply means being able to follow one's own desiresand preferences.
In the Exodus traditions the Israelites could enjoy a good fight with Egypt, since this conflict was regarded as simply the means whereby God redeemed them out of the house of bondage.
It simply means to most people the way in which anyone earns his living.
Atheism simply means no belief in a god, so babies are atheists unless you think they believe in god.
According to the experiential definition, the omnipotence of God simply means that the experience of change, dependence, order, value, and imperfection reflect the nature of all possible existence.
Shalom simply means the absence of war in the statements that «there was shalom between King Jabin of Hazor and the clan of Heber the Kenite» (Judg.
Eccentric in this case simply means that it provides an angle of vision that is somewhat off center.
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