Sentences with phrase «single attendee»

He thought a speed dating event would be perfect because it would introduce single attendees to dates who share a common interest in things that go bump in the night.
By the end of the week, every single attendee felt very confident about their new endeavors and we wish them the very best on their journey's to financial success.
The touring pair tweeted, «One of our goals for the tour has always been to create an atmosphere where every single attendee feels equal, included, and accepted for who they are.
on November 2nd at 7 PM, single attendees AND couples are welcome!
We're really excited — a great team and phenomenal faculty — can guarantee every single attendee will walk away with plenty of tools to put them in the driver's seat
There's a triple bonus for businesses when they do this - which CEA has recognized and that's why they're using EarthEra to offset the entire electricity consumption of not only the tradeshow, but the hotel rooms of every single attendee.
In about two weeks, the amount of electricity consumed for the show at the Las Vegas Convention Center will be calculated, along with the electricity consumption of every the hotel room of every single attendee.
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