Sentences with phrase «single bacterium»

The phrase "single bacterium" refers to one tiny living organism called a bacterium. Full definition
The «PM» stands for «particulate matter,» and the «2.5» stands for 2.5 microns in diameter or smaller — roughly the size of a single bacterium.
There isn't a single fossil record showing this and on top of that, literally billions of bacterial generations have been witnessed and there hasn't been a single bacteria to become a multi-celled organism.
This being would be so different from us, that if you put a human next to, say, a single bacterium, that being would look at both and see essentially the same thing.
Research into the gut microbiome requires the isolation of a single bacterium in animal models in order to rule out other environmental factors.
To measure the new type of optical momentum and force, they used an extremely sensitive nano - cantilever, capable of femtoNewton resolution — meaning it could measure a force even smaller than the force gravity exerts on a single bacterium — which was immersed in an evanescent optical field directly above a total - internal - reflecting glass surface.
These oppositional effects, the researchers say, suggest an evolutionary checks - and - balances mechanism to ensure that no single bacterium can overpower the others in its effects on the immune system.
To investigate why some Salmonella strains trigger a neutrophil response but others don't, researchers led by Volkmar Heinrich and Andreas Bäumler from the University of California at Davis, USA, designed a way to directly observe the interaction between a single bacterium and a single neutrophil cell.
To make it clearer, a single bacterium weighs about 10 - 14newtons on average, and a mosquito weighs a few dozen mcN (10 - 5 N).
With individual polymer molecules roughly the same size as a single bacterium, the bacteria's flagella physically stretch out the coiled - up polymers like a rubber band.
He began with a single bacterium — Escherichia coli — and used its offspring to found 12 separate colonies of bacteria that he nurtured on a meager diet of glucose, which creates a strong incentive for the evolution of new ways to survive.
Until recently, leprosy was attributed to a single bacterium, Mycobacterium leprae; we now suspect that its close relative, Mycobacterium lepromatosis, might cause a rare but severe form of leprosy.
To home in on the source of the antifungal impact, Bais and his colleagues are relying on what he refers to as «old school culturing» to find out if a single bacterium or a group of different bacteria are at work.
Scripps's Byron Pedler, Lihini Aluwihare, and Farooq Azam found that a single bacterium called Alteromonas could consume as much dissolved organic carbon as a diverse community of organisms.
The biosensors can measure biochemical fluctuations inside a single bacteria cell, which is smaller than an animal or plant cell.
«Overnight, the injected bacteria caused plaque deposits with a single bacterium in the middle,» said Tanzi.
The time - lapse series was recorded using a spinning disk microscope Massive membrane ruffles are initiated after contact to a single bacterium and subsequently, further bacteria cluster at the side of invasion.
Sometimes, a plaque would form around a single bacterium.
A team from the Swinburne University of Technology are developing a graphene microlens one billionth of a meter thick that can take sharper images of objects the size of a single bacterium
For example, studies have shown that when a single bacterium becomes part of a biofilm the expression of over 800 genes can change.
A single bacterium can multiply into over 100 billion in just a little over 18 hours.
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