Sentences with phrase «single cookie»

Trying to make single cookies didn't work well as the batter just seemed to want to run all over the parchment paper.
It might not be quite as enticing at first glance as the free single cookie being offered at most other stores, but if you plan on stocking up at all, this is the best deal out there.
The other wonderful trait Mother Lovett adopted in her old age (besides touching every single cookie on the platter before choosing the one she deemed worthy) was that of double dipping.
Before I even baked a single cookie, I went back and made a second batch.
There are times when a craving for a single cookie, a slice of pie or some other type of decadent treat will not go away.
I bake the hold batch of cookies on a single cookie sheet, to make it easier and fast for me and for you, I was actually in a little hurry and I need to experiment a little with my cookies, you know sometimes you have to.
Never made a single cookie.
Since I felt odd charging 1 single cookie, we bought a sampler pack of 6 different flavors, gave them a try, and was immediately surprised by how delicious they were!
I would much rather have a bowl of popcorn than a single cookie!
Still, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that brings me as much winter cheer as gingerbread, and if there was a single cookie I'd like to make and smell baking in my home, it would be these.
I love the idea of combining different types of chocolate in a single cookie — makes for a much more complex flavor.
And not a single cookie in sight.
The goal is for every single cookie to look beautiful, festive and full of glorious color.
I made 1/2 recipe since I feared I'd eat every single cookies in a single sitting.
So what happened you ask while I dropped off the face of the blogging world, not a word for months... not a peep or a single cookie recipe... nothing.
But also like oak, it can completely crush wines» other characteristics if used with the reckless abandon of a kid squeezing a whole tube of frosting onto a single cookie.
I could have eaten every single cookie by myself.
So great was my guilt that I didn't eat a single cookie after dinner that evening.
You can't out run the calories of a single cookie.
I haven't baked a single cookie, haven't mailed a holiday card.
There's only one choice in the mint box, so I'm content with a single cookie.
I didn't eat a single cookie.
Usually it goes something like this: «But you said, «Don't eat a single cookie before dinner.»
Nice article and an important message for folks in our profession, as I do find that many, if not the majority, seem to stick to a single cookie - cutter approach / tool, and any deviation becomes a problem.
In some cases, a single cookie or treat given to a smaller dog may be the equivalent of a serving of fast food fries for a human.
Turns out this brand contains a whole tablespoon of raisins in a single cookie.
Coconut oil adds enough richness to any cookie dough that it's hard to resist eating it all up before baking a single cookie.
If due to any reason a single cookie is contaminated, then it would get difficult to analyze.
Privacy groups said they were also concerned about Google's ability to link a user's personal details, supplied in the Gmail registration process, to Web - surfing behaviour through the use of a single cookie for its search and mail services.
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