Sentences with phrase «single culture»

That is, people who are single by choice claim that they are treated unfairly for not tying some kind of knot, while married people — especially in large urban centers — feel that they are marginalized in a predominantly singles culture.
Since early June, I've been doing my dream job: dating all over the world and soaking up new singles cultures.
The Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology publishes cross-cultural and single culture studies, and quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods are represented.
It has been around since the earliest humans and is found in every single culture in the world.
Christians will always be cultural exiles insofar as Christian Tradition is not co-extensive with any single culture or any form of ecclesial existence and thus calls all forms of life into judgment in the light of Christ.
Such idolatry can be as much a part of exclusivist Christianity as of any other efforts to tie the mystery of God down to the particularity of a single culture and time in history.
We begin with a single culture, and over time the number of individuals within that culture expands.
The researchers report they were able to transform about one in 5,000 cells — enough to get several iPS cells from a single culture dish — and then coax them to become nerve cells or heart tissue on the benchtop.
It took 242 eggs to get a single culture of embryonic stem cells to grow.
A single cultured pearl glows brilliantly white between two stones of green peridot totaling one carat.
Over time different cultures have developed History of ICE Archives It's a story that began more than ten years ago... In March 2003, the Homeland Security Act set into motion what would be the single
The film, which won Tribeca's top narrative competition prize, lacks Offside's sense of reckless comedy, but it's similarly specific and intriguing about the role of young women within a single culture — not just Israel's, or even the military, but within this particular Army base, with its complicated relationships and low expectations — while commenting on gender as a larger construct outside these individual walls.
Not every human culture in the world is literate, but every single culture tells stories.
You can edit a particular scenario for every single culture — country — skill level you are targeting in your online training.
Miles is a smart, sensitive teen with an entirely different set of family and social entanglements than his predecessor, but he steps up to prove that heroism doesn't belong to any single culture.
If only the English pirates and their African workers made up Belize we would have a small population, a single culture, and an indifferent future.
They — along with many other artists whose works could easily have fit in this exhibition — are vernacular cosmopolitans of a kind, moving in - between cultural traditions, and revealing hybrid forms of life and art that do not have a prior existence within the discrete world of any single culture or language.
Today, one rarely hears Arabic in Dubai, a city that is a cacophony of ethnicities where no single culture dominates.
Genghis Khan's Mongol invasion in the 13th and 14th centuries was so vast that it may have been the first instance in history of a single culture causing man - made climate change, according to new research out of the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology.
So the more partners, the more cultures, and you can't have a cohesive, single culture, I don't believe, in a medium or large equity partnership.
They are proof that Canada is a «salad bowl» of cultures and not the «melting pot» that dictates that everyone adhere to a single culture and language.
«You have a single company, and you should have a single culture
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