Sentences with phrase «single death»

Sending a medical examiner to investigate every single death on an island that is only about 10 percent powered is obviously not realistic; hence, the low death count.
Vox was unable to determine the cause of every single death.
Although clinically significant hyponatremia is rare (1 %)(7), the evidence is clear: every single death from EAH is avoidable.
Just as we shouldn't condemn all hospitals or all drs for single (or in most cases multiple) mistakes or otherwise that lead to the maternal and infant mortality and morbidity, we should not hold up a single death in the UC community and use it to condemn a way of thinking.
«I believe there has never been a single death by overdose in any safe injection facility across the world,» he said.
The study showed that pollution from coal plants is responsible for 13,000 premature deaths and 20,000 heart attacks in the United States each year, while nuclear power has never been implicated in a single death in this country.
In other words, approximately 130 people need to take statins for a year to prevent just one unwanted health outcome, and 500 people have to take them to prevent a single death.
We estimated smoking - attributable deaths not from survey data but instead from aggregate national death data: records of every single death in the U.S. in 2000.
This kind of vitamin A knavery has been around for a long time in the form of frequent warnings about the toxicity of this vital fat - soluble nutrient — when in fact vitamin A has never caused a single death but has the potential for saving millions of lives.
Though I will also tell you that Kombucha has been consumed for thousands of years and not a single death has been attributed to drinking it.
Of course the Volvo XC40 wouldn't be a Volvo if there weren't a focus on safety — after all, by the year 2020 Volvo is aiming to have not a single death or severe injury occurring in any new Volvo model.
Skinner quotes Josef Stalin as saying, «A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.»
However, that does not mean that the issuing company automatically pays every single death claim.
This reduces the amount of premiums it pays to retrocessionaires, but increases the maximum effect a single death claim can have on its results, and therefore may result in additional volatility to its results.
Instead, the goals can be achieved by having a single death benefit paid on the last survivor's death.
Although even a single death is grave and worthy of investigation, considering that over 1,000 dogs have entered each year, the percentage of canine athlete fatalities from the Iditarod is low in comparison to deaths of human athletes participating in auto racing and contact sports.
We now have more than 7,000 vets on board selling either PetzLife or our Professional Strength VetzLife Oral care, and we have sold more than three million bottles without a single death or substantiated injury reported.
A single death could result in a loss, while the police get infinite respawns so that the criminals can mow them down?
Outside of a few spots, there was no situation where the player could blame anyone but himself for every single death encountered.
Having the iDroid announce every single death may seem like a strange design choice, but it's this kind of blending of gameplay and story that Kojima often likes to play with.
The problem with this is that there doesn't seem to be enough notches on the invisible difficulty slider — I often found myself finishing 3 levels in a row without a single death, followed by getting my backside handed to me on a level.
Running through the stages in Kirby Star Allies will almost never result in a Game Over screen, or even a single death.
However, being a roguelike, there is a challenge and emphasis on players doing better each time they pick up the game to play as a single death will result in restarting the game from the beginning.
Coal miners die every year as a result of accidents while there has not been a single death from nuclear power plants in the US but this is never discussed in these energy scenarios.
Insite has had over 400 cases of overdose, and not a single death, because these people were medically supervised and can receive immediate treatment.
I get the sense that the government witnesses would have been happy if every single death in the province was under their jurisdiction and the court correctly said «no».
Reimbursement for a single death benefit may not exceed 80 % of the cash value for $ 250,000 per insured individual or $ 100,000 in net cash.
CO poisoning is a silent killer, it is worth avoiding even a single death.
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