Sentences with phrase «single diet»

There is no one single diet, food, or nutrient that will suit every person on the planet.
This is one food that almost every single diet plan in existence suggests you eat.
First of all, I believe no single diet fits every person.
No single diet works for everyone.
I knew about every single diet - the five - day diet, the flight attendant's diet.
In the 11 years that I spent restricting and overeating, I tried every single diet known to man: the cabbage - and - lemon cleanse, the Hollywood Miracle diet, Paleo diet, The South Beach diet, the Juice Fast Diet.
A single diet could not possibly keep pace.
, your daily protein intake is the second most important part of every single diet plan (total calories are always # 1).
But that is true for nearly every single diet ever advanced because people hate to change.
Everyone is different so it is hard to put out a single diet plan to suit everyone.
There is not a single training method that gets every single individual in shape, and there is not a single diet out there that will work for everyone.
No single diet will work for everyone.
Contrary to much of today's nutrition theory, there is not a single diet that will work for everyone.
There is no single diet plan that works for everyone.
This demonstrates that the flies could not maximize both lifespan and egg production rate on a single diet, and raises the interesting question of what the flies themselves prioritized — extending lifespan or maximizing lifetime egg production.
Many diet practitioners and books specialize in a single diet, advocating one particular approach.
Stalled fat loss, decreased muscle mass, battered metabolism, psychological defeat — every single diet that restricts calories over the long term falls victim to these «dead end» finales.
As well as all the success stories that are touted around, there are people made so sick on every single diet plan they have to give it up.
Almost every single diet works by temporarily putting your body into a state of ketosis.
The main message from careful comparisons of different diets is that there's no single diet that's right for everyone.
No single diet works for everyone.
Years ago I was struggling with IBS so bad that I tried almost every single diet and theory out there in order to manage my symptoms.
No single diet will do for every dog.
There is no single diet appropriate for all dogs.
There is no single diet for all cats of a certain age although there are food plans that are designed for people with cats that are currently suffering from various kinds of diseases.
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