Sentences with phrase «single dollar of profit»

Not exact matches

At the hearing, Senator Elizabeth Warren pressed Carson over the fact that, as the head of the department, he would be in charge of numerous programs that the president could manipulate to profit his real estate empire, asking Carson, «Can you assure me that not a single taxpayer dollar that you give out will financially benefit the president - elect or his family?»
Come on Rachel, I defy you to show me a single liquor store in Utah that has a profit of 20 Million dollars US.
If we are to believe the accounting, about one - fourth of college football programs at the top level neither profit nor lose a single dollar.
The discovery of a single species can return billions of dollars (in profits).»
Scribd has confirmed that when one of their subscribers listens to a single audio edition they are only making two dollars in profit.
There are literally hundreds of traders right now from all over the world following this simple «Profit System» making thousands of dollars every single day.
So within say decade or two one is getting perhaps hundreds of billions being invested in a single year and tens of billion in profits in the same year [which high growth rate - so within decade a hundred billion in profits, and after this point the Moon may become sector of less growth - and investment dollar are less at risk and less return - it become a more mature market.
Improving profitability of any individual sub-unit, such as profitability of a single office or a single client, will improve firm profits dollar - for - dollar.
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