Sentences with phrase «single electron orbits»

Its single electron orbits a single proton, and the net effect is no electrical charge.
A single electron orbiting a proton can occupy only certain, discrete energy levels, which are described by the laws of quantum mechanics.

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The most accurate atomic clock we have now is regulated by the electrons of a single aluminium ion as they move between two different orbits with sharply defined energy levels.
Illuminating the quantum dot with laser light excites an electron, which can then jump from one orbit to another and thereby emit a single photon at a time.
Hydrogen nuclei each consist of a single proton, orbited by an electron.
Rydberg atoms are atoms, in which one single electron is lifted into a highly excited state and orbits the nucleus at a very large distance.
The team used a novel technique that involves replacing the electrons in hydrogen atoms with negatively charged particles called muons, and then measuring subtle shifts in the energy that is required to bump a muon into a higher - energy orbit around the single - proton nucleus.
The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom: a dense nucleus containing the hydrogen atom's single proton (and possibly one or more neutrons), surrounded by an electron that can be on one of several different orbits.
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