Sentences with phrase «single error of fact»

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To see it as a unified doctrine would in fact be as much an error as it would be to identify it with the teachings and ideas of a single thinker.
The fact that researchers were able to correct errors in iPS cells relatively easily suggests their method has promise for many diseases caused by a single mutation, says Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California.
The fact remains its unwise to rush into untested radical and very single minded change too fast, if possible, because of the risk of error and massive problems.
All the more ironic is that in counseling us to «respect the facts», he should made several further errors of fact, not least in his translation of «Nullius in Verba», but also in his statement of fact that» 15 — 40 per cent of species potentially facing extinction after only 2 °C of warming», omitting the fact that this is aworst - case scenario predicted by just a single study.
A panel reviewing a decision of a single judge under s. 680 (1) is to be guided by three principles: absent palpable and overriding error, the review panel must show deference to the judge's findings of fact; the review panel may intervene and substitute its decision for that of the judge where it is satisfied the judge erred in law or in principle, and the error was material to the outcome; in the absence of legal error, the review panel may intervene and substitute its decision for that of the judge where it concludes the decision was clearly unwarranted.
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