Sentences with phrase «single fact»

Turn shopping lists, intentions, even single facts into narratives big and small and you'll remember them much better.
In personals dating service match for singles fact, you will meet more people by actually interacting with the world.
According to the proficient essay helpers working 24/7, the most important single fact about Freud, perhaps, was his refusal to attempt to solve psychological problems by extrapolating the biological knowledge of his time; his insistence on the direct clinical study of the human personality.
Therefore if you can prove 1 thing wrong (literally ever single fact the bible puts forth, can be proven false) then it is not devine, and thus should be given no respect, and everyonw who believes in this fairy tale are weak minded fools, and deserve no sympathy.
Clark refreshed himself in his native land, and what follows has mainly to do with that interlude, because the biggest single fact about Clark is his Scottishness.
Not a single fact - based refute of a single of my points.
The suffusing presence will not be disclosed in a single fact - nugget, or by a dark secret, pulled from a personal diary or a police file or a divorce testimony or how - to manual.
He did not present a single fact about the existence of any god or a divine jesus, nor did he indicate that he would be.
There is not a single fact to support any supernatural claim.
Can anyone out there provide a single fact to disprove this?
And all of this evidence will point us to one single fact.
because you don't have a single fact to back up your claims whereas science is demonstrably getting closer to the answer with verifiable, objective and independent facts.
These aspects of Aristotle's theory are illustrated in this passage: «We call those propositions single which indicate a single fact, or the conjunction of the parts of which results in unity: those propositions, on the other band, are separate and many in number, which indicate many facts, or whose parts have no conjunction» (17a 15 - 17).
Calling other people stupid when you can't even post a single fact that you claim to have.
And as researchers debated whether the chart represented a trend or an outlier, many agreed on a single fact: It's time to be alarmed by global warming.
No one can produce any evidence to dispute a single fact.
And you know why I say this without KNOWING A SINGLE FACT?
To assess the team on this single fact is very misguided.
That single fact says everything about how we arrive at the current scenario, whereby Birmingham is reportedly now the most reviewed city in Europe.
«We know one single fact that no one can dispute: that children in pre-k do better who are not,» said Michael Mulgrew, President of the New York chapter of the United Federation of Teachers.
«Rob Astorino doesn't dispute a single fact in the ads — because he can't,» Morey said.
That single fact gives the lie to the endless government mantra that public sector pensions are so extravagant that they are no longer affordable.
(Quick: State a single fact — anything at all — about Libby Pataki.)
I do remember my teacher discussing that he used to dress in women's» clothing but knew nothing more than a single fact and a rumor.
Another difference is that students get practice every single day with every single fact.
The report speculates, without a single fact to support it, that home districts will restructure their programs.
So all of the bits and pieces of the puzzle seem to add up to a single fact, the first WiMAX tablet that might be headed to the CTIA 2011 trade show for its official unveiling.
I explain that those barks tell a potential thief that there is a dog at this house, and that single fact is a great crime deterrent.
That single fact invalidates most of your arguments.
From where (when) I sit your single fact hasn't happened yet, the relatively small shift to date is well within what has happened in the past.
There, a single fact you can take with you, now go on about your life.
There is not a single fact, figure or observation that leads us to conclude that the world «s climate is in any way ̳disturbed `.
Choosing the year 1934 is an obvious example of «cherry - picking» a single fact that supports a claim, while ignoring the rest of the data.
They declare that there «is not a single fact, figure or observation that leads us to conclude that the world's climate is in any way «disturbed.
Personally, I believe in this global warming trend based on the single fact that the human population is much higher than what it was more than a hundred years ago.
No single fact necessarily proves or disproves global warming, as it is the «balance of the evidence» that decides.
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