Sentences with phrase «single fertilized egg»

The mechanistic developmental biologist thought an organism developed in complexity from a single fertilized egg to a complex living organism in the way a motor car is built up from individual bits and pieces.
The term identical is used to describe > monozygotic multiples — twins that form from a single fertilized egg that splits into two.
Identical twins result from a single fertilized egg dividing into separate halves and continuing to develop into two separate but identical babies.
Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg splits and develops into two fetuses.
Each single fertilized egg (zygote) may produce a single embryo, or it may split into two or more embryos, each carrying the same genetic material.
Mirror - image twins are monozygotic — twins that form from a single fertilized egg.
One of the most spectacular pageants on earth involves a complex creature developing from a single fertilized egg.
Because such twins develop from a single fertilized egg, they have identical genes unless a mutation occurs.
In embryos, they guide differentiation from the single fertilized egg into all cells that form the different tissues and structures of the body.
Every embryo begins as a single fertilized egg, which develops into a human body consisting of trillions of cells, each one specialized to carry out specific functions.
In the realm of pure research, we are steadily gaining a better understanding of how galaxies form; how a single fertilized egg turns into a fruit fly or a congressman; how synaptic growth supports long - term memory.
In mammals, a single fertilized egg rapidly divides into several trillions of cells grouped into specialized tissues with marked differences in terms of developmental origin, regenerative capacity and ability to cope with damage.
This is in contrast to identical twins, which come from a single fertilized egg (creating two separate but nearly identical babies).
This is in contrast to identical twins, which result from a single fertilized egg (creating two separate but nearly identical babies).
Identical twins come from a single fertilized egg that splits in two; this creates two babies.
Biologists have long wondered about the process by which descendants of a single fertilized egg specialize — or differentiate — to construct an adult animal.
My sister, Ruby, and I, by mishap or miracle, having intended to divide from a single fertilized egg, remained joined instead, by a spot the size of a bread plate on the sides of our twin heads.
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