Sentences with phrase «single instant»

The phrase "single instant" means a very short period of time, referring to a specific moment or second. Full definition
This active dating network gives singles instant access to revealing photos, adventurous singles, and sexual encounters.
The cosmos in its finitude is unable to receive the boundlessness of God's self - gift in any single instant.
He should never be in any company of men for a single instant without making them realize that they are in the company of a minister of religion.
Without an elementary memory that connects the two moments, there will be only one or the other, consequently a single instant, no before and no after, so succession, no time.
For dying means that it is all over, but dying the death means to live to experience death; and if for a single instant this experience is possible, it is tantamount to experiencing it forever.
And unlike those Christians who claim to receive an immediate and adequate grasp of Jesus in a single instant of conversion — a knowledge that need never be revisited or revised and that provides a blueprint for all subsequent actions — we must claim a more modest process that goes on through every moment of life.
I doubt that a parent who didn't have the same qualms would feel judged or hurt for a single instant — there's a super-sensitivity about breastfeeding.
At this so - called «critical point,» there would be a toll stop, but the cost would be $ 0, so the quarks and gluons could transition from protons and neutrons to QGP very quickly — almost as if all the water in the pot turned to steam in a single instant.
[120] It may seem counter-intuitive that an infinite and yet infinitely dense Universe could be created in a single instant at the Big Bang when R = 0, but exactly that is predicted mathematically when k does not equal 1.
But the «Snap» moment is straight from «The Infinity Gauntlet», and although the circumstances are different, there's still a huge focus on Thanos being able to kill trillions of beings within a single instant.
How, how to explain the miracle...» While on one level simply the story of a woman's life, The Chandelier's real drama lies in Lispector's attempt «to find the nucleus made of a single instant... the tenuous triumph and the defeat, perhaps nothing more than breathing.»
Let's pretend for a single instant, that those reviews are in fact the exact number of sales.
The moment they refer to is the single instant they couldn't anticipate, the moment when their carefully laid out plans were thrown out the window; Hotline Miami captures that moment, that singular feeling better than most games.
The photographers we show are very diverse: An - My Lê's fascination with military culture that intersects with her Vietnamese childhood and adolescence; Moyra Davey's exquisite examination of the details of her daily life and her reading; Barbara Probst's cinematic groupings of images portraying one single instant.
One day some months ago, while interviewing for articling positions in the heart of Toronto's Bay Street, I overheard a remark that, in a single instant, helped me understand the social barriers women still potentially face — particularly, and possibly even more so, on Bay Street.
This means that taking videos is no longer a single instant button press away, rather you'll need to swipe over from the Superior Auto mode over to Video mode to take a video.
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