Sentences with phrase «single item upgraded»

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Following a status report from consultant Glenn Gidaly of Barton & Loguidice, DPC regarding progress toward submitting a grant application for New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation funding to upgrade Rosendale's water supply system, supervisor Jeanne Walsh rolled all of the town's many annual housekeeping items into a single resolution, expeditiously ensuring that town employees would continue to get paid.
Tropical Freeze has a helpful item shop stocked with extra lives, additional hearts, and one - time life savers, but there aren't any permanent upgrades — just Band - Aid items to help mend the damages of a single level.
The online multiplayer plays just as great as the single player game and any items earned whilst slashing and scouring in this mode will come back to the single player game so that you can upgrade and improve your character as you see fit.
There are also lots of different items of clothing and jetpacks to unlock, vehicles can be upgraded and you can buy items to assist you from the insta - ball that lets you bounce a bit further when you fail, to head starts which shoot you hundreds of meters at the beginning of the game or bomb blasts which exploded your body further after you fail (the latter two being single use items).
And then Bungie added in just a little bit of extra bullshit, focused on endgame micro-transactions: Sparrows are now cosmetic items you receive randomly in the game's lootbox - style «bright engrams»; shaders, received the same way, are now single - use items, received in packs of three to five; and the faintest whiff of non-cosmetic paid upgrades exists in the armour and weapon «modifications», which you receive in the same way and use to boost your gear.
It's clear from Steel Diver: Sub Wars that Nintendo is treading carefully with its implementation of in - game purchases, using a single premium upgrade plus payments for specific virtual items, rather than the multiple «consumable» virtual currencies and gameplay - restricting features like timers that have sparked heated debate in the mobile games industry.
Coupon codes are found on your My Account page if you have redeemed or purchased at least one product, and can be used to discount a single item or upgrade.
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