Sentences with phrase «single line paragraphs»

Not exact matches

Missing indication of paragraph separation (indentation or single line spacing between paragraphs)
They don't translate into e-books and you will find yourself with one long paragraph, especially if you use single space for your line spacing.
In e-books, you also can't prevent widows - and - orphans — as a single line of text from the beginning or end of a paragraph is called in traditional print publishing — because the appearance of widows - and - orphans will change for the same e-book depending on the size of the font, margins, and spacing chosen by the readers, as well as on each different device — smartphone or iPad Pro, for example — that the same reader is using.
The paragraphs and the sentences in it will correspond with the following and preceding sentences and single words which might not be written in the following lines.
Many legal documents have single spaced paragraphs with an extra blank line between each paragraph.
A cover letter is concise — no more than a single page — and about 3 - 5 paragraphs which, in turn, are about four lines of text to keep an airy feel.
A single line's space should be left between each paragraph of your cover letter, between your contact details and introductory paragraph, and between your closing remarks and name or signature.
An orphan is a single word on a line by itself, usually found in sections of bullets or at the end of a paragraph.
Use single - spaced lines with an added space between each paragraph, after the salutation, and above the closing.
Instead of writing a single - line objective that tells you are seeking a job, write a concise paragraph of 3 - 4 sentences, which summarizes your core strengths and key accomplishments.
Widows are those pesky single words taking up a whole line at the end of a paragraph, and orphans are the first lines of paragraphs at the bottom of pages that get separated from the rest of the paragraph on the following pages.4.
It's not easy to quickly read lots of lines of text... whether it's 5 single - lined bullets, or a 6 - line paragraph.
Never leave one or a few words dangling on a single line, or a few sentences or paragraphs alone on a page.
This can mean four single - lined bullets, or a five - line paragraph.
Emails are single - spaced, with a blank line between paragraphs.
Business letters are single - spaced, with a blank line between paragraphs.
Body: Single spaced, with line between paragraphs.
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